Sanitary Raid Boat

A medical raid boat is a class of medical ships. Selected to provide comprehensive medical care “on the go” (providing treatment and evacuating the injured).

The purpose of such vessels complies with sanitary legislation, and their classes comply with all the requirements of the International Maritime Organization. All medical equipment on board must be certified and comply with international standards. Raid boats are used for prompt reception and further delivery to a medical facility of wounded and injured people who need intensive care. And also for the purpose of carrying out planned medical and sanitary evacuation of sick people and patients suffering from dangerous infectious diseases. Ambulance boats are needed to transport patients from coastal cities and towns near major ports to the nearest medical centers. Also, the services of ships of this type travel far beyond populated areas to provide assistance to the sick and injured. In any case, the quality and efficiency of patient treatment in field conditions depends on the work of raid boats. As a rule, the crew includes 3-4 medical personnel. Where the size of the wave allows, this company can be expanded to 8-9 people. Ambulance carriages are provided to transport bedridden patients. Medical ships of this class can be equipped with equipment and beds for transporting two patients with special anti-shock equipment and an autonomous diesel generator. A special ventilation system is installed on board.