Schistosoma Japonicum

Schistosoma japonicum (Japanese schistosomiasis) is a species of fluke worm that parasitizes humans and some species of monkeys. They live in the veins and lymphatic vessels of the abdomen and cause a disease known as Japanese schistosomiasis.

The eggs of these worms are shed in feces, and they can be transmitted through contaminated water or soil. Symptoms of Japanese schistosomiasis include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weakness and weight loss. If left untreated, the disease can lead to serious complications such as anemia, liver and kidney damage.

Treatment for Japanese schistosomiasis includes medications such as praziquantel and bithionol. However, to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to maintain good hygiene and avoid contact with contaminated water and soil.

Prevention of Japanese schistosomiasis involves practicing good hygiene, including washing your hands before eating and drinking and using only clean water for drinking and cooking. It is also important to keep the environment clean, for example, not to use contaminated wastewater to irrigate fields and gardens.

Overall, Japanese schistosomiasis is a serious problem for human and animal health, and its prevention is an important public health goal.

What is this? Schistosomosis japonica or Japanese schistosomiasis.

Schistosoma is a helminth of the trematode class. Helminths (or helminths) are parasitic worms. Trematode is a special type of nematode, an intestinal worm that parasitizes inside the body of another animal. The scale is logarithmic, increasing due to the eggs from which new worms of this species are hatched and transmitted to the future host. Since only a person is infected, for him the parasite becomes a companion, and not an enemy or a disease. The parasite takes away only part of the nutrients that are available to it in the host’s body. The Japanese government does not recognize Japanese schistosomiasis as such and is considered a disease. Its nature of the disease is regarded as parasitic invasive. This means that worms are not the cause of its occurrence, it is a chronic disease that occurs due to the constant pressure of parasites on a person; black