Scientists have found that working mothers are healthier than housewives

Mothers who combine child care and work are healthier physically and mentally than those who stay at home or work part-time. Researchers at the University of Akron found that women who return to work soon after having children have more energy and mobility and are less depressed. Thus, it turns out that work is beneficial for a woman’s health, both physically and mentally. It gives women a sense of purpose, self-efficacy, control and autonomy.

They have a place where they can feel like experts and get paid for it. If women make the right choices before planning a pregnancy, they will improve their own health. The right choice is to give birth after receiving education, having work experience and being married, and not delaying returning to work after the birth of the child. Working full time can benefit a mother for a number of reasons. This includes the opportunity to earn more money, more opportunities for promotion and other related factors.

Those mothers who work part-time cannot boast of a large salary and career growth. And those who stay at home remain completely financially dependent and have a greater risk of social isolation than working mothers. Be that as it may, the worst impact on health is lack of stability at work, constant shifts and job search. And to avoid this, experts recommend choosing in advance a suitable job that you like and is relatively stable.
