Exercises for slimming thighs while sitting

Hips are one of the problem areas for many people, especially women. To make them slimmer and fit, you need to do exercises regularly. In this article, we will look at some simple but effective exercises for losing weight on your thighs while sitting.

Exercise No. 1: “Walking with the buttocks”

This exercise will help improve blood circulation in the thighs, strengthen their muscles and burn extra calories.

To perform the exercise, sit on a carpet or other surface that is comfortable for you to move your buttocks over a distance. Straighten your legs and place them in front of you. The body position should be at an angle of 90 degrees. Then start “walking” on your buttocks, trying to move forward. Walk about 3 meters. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise No. 2: “On a chair”

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Sit down on a chair. Legs should be bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Place your hands on the back of the chair. First, straighten your right leg, then stretch to the side as far as possible. Return your leg to a straight position in front of you and bend it to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the other leg. Repeat 4-5 times for each leg.

Exercise No. 3: “Knee Squats”

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Get on your knees. Hands behind head. First, squat to the left of your feet, then stand up. Shift your body weight to the right side of your legs and return to the original position. Repeat the exercise on the left side. First do the exercise for each side 5 times, then increase the number of repetitions to 15 times for each side.

Exercise No. 4: “Rotations of legs bent at the knees”

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the thigh muscles and improving flexibility.

Sit on the floor or other flat surface, place your hands on the floor, leaning slightly on them. Bend your knees at an acute angle. Keep your legs tense at all times. Place your knees on your left side, then straighten your legs, wait 5-10 seconds and bend your knees at an acute angle and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times for each side.

It is important to remember that to achieve results you must perform the exercises regularly, preferably at least 3 times a week. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition and moderate physical activity throughout the day. In addition, you should consult your doctor before starting any physical activity, especially if you have health problems.