Sclerosis Age


This article will discuss such a common disease as sclerosis. This is such a common disease in which a person’s memory and learning ability begin to suffer. This disease occurs from a decrease in the function of protein synthesis in the brain. A synonym for this disease is the term “senile dementia.”

According to recent studies, people after 60 years of age begin to develop the risk of developing senile dementia. In simple words, this is senile dementia. But before we talk about this disease, it is necessary to analyze its symptoms. It is characterized by the following features:

- Impaired ability to recognize objects that one sees; - Disorders of written and oral speech; - Loss of habitual fine motor skills of the limbs; Neglecting the treatment of such manifestations entails the progression of the disease and disrupts social adaptation.

Multiple sclerosis is one of the most difficult disorders to treat, especially when it occurs due to chronic loss of brain cells. These disorders usually occur due to excessive load on the brain, stress or other factors.

This disease occurs regardless of gender and area of ​​residence. Previously, it was considered a companion of age, but more and more young patients suffering from this terrible disease began to appear.

While age-related dementia has a chance to improve through better life or treatment, in the case of Alzheimer's disease such treatment is not possible. Therefore, such patients are forced to lead an asocial lifestyle, sometimes commit crimes, wander, forgetting even the most basic things. The most common problem is the inability to take care of oneself, leading to starvation and colds from hypothermia. Such