
A spatula is a tool for mixing or mixing granular and viscous substances in laboratory and pharmaceutical practice. It is a narrow metal or plastic plate.

Spatulas are used to transfer, place and mix small quantities of powders, pastes, ointments and other substances. Thanks to its shape, the spatula allows you to accurately dose and carefully apply substances.

Metal spatulas are most often made of stainless steel or titanium alloys. They have high strength and resistance to chemical compounds. Plastic spatulas are cheaper, but less durable. They are made from polystyrene, polypropylene, Teflon and other polymer materials.

Spatulas are widely used in laboratories of chemical analysis, microbiology, and the pharmaceutical industry. They are indispensable when conducting analyses, preparing solutions, and mixing drug components.

A spatula is a tool that is used for mixing and stirring various substances in laboratory and pharmacology. It is a thin metal or plastic plate that allows you to evenly distribute the material over the surface. Spatulas are important tools for many laboratory processes such as preparing mixtures, weighing and diluting solutions.

Spatulas can come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit the needs of specific jobs. For example, there are flat and three-sided spatulas, as well as spatulas with long or short handles. Some have pointed ends that help spread materials more accurately, while others have smooth edges that allow materials to be mixed without clumping.

Using the correct spatulas for different procedures is important. If one laboratory uses only the same type of spatulas of a certain size and shape, this can make it difficult for different employees to work in the laboratory at the same time. But if the organization has a variety of them, then you can use them for a specific purpose and at the same time mix different materials without problems. Using similar spatulas can allow for better control of mixing processes, as the same size and shape can be associated with certain types of substances.

It should be noted that some substances may damage a particular type of spatula. Therefore, it is important to choose a spatula that is resistant to certain chemical reactions or surface attack. To avoid possible problems, it is recommended to contact the spatula manufacturer for recommendations on the selection of tools.

It should also be noted that care must be taken when using spatulas as they can sometimes be very sharp objects. And even if there is a protective barrier between workers and materials, it is always a good idea to ensure that the tool is not damaged or otherwise covered. Otherwise, there may be a risk of injury. That is why every laboratory worker must know how to safely work with instruments and always follow certain rules.
