
Schub is a German term that means a surprise attack or assault. In modern society, fur coat refers to committing a crime. Fur coat is a criminal term and has nothing to do with fur products or clothing.

The term fur coat was created in Germany at the end of the 19th century during missionary travels. German missionaries encountered various tribes in Africa where they encountered high levels of violence and aggressive behavior. The German term Schub came to be used to refer to an attack on these tribes.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the term fur coat and its meaning began to be used by other European travelers and explorers of Africa. They also faced fierce tribes and the need to defend themselves from attacks. The term shub became common and was used in a variety of fields including military studies, football and even music.

Today, shub has become an absurd term and has become associated with crime. It no longer denotes sudden attack or aggression, but is simply a wild expression with many meanings. As often happens, the term shub was a relic of the past and became the subject of study by linguists and historians