
Sialadenitis, also known as salivary gland inflammation, is a common condition that can lead to discomfort and pain in the face and neck. This condition occurs when one or more salivary glands become inflamed due to infection or other reasons.

Symptoms of sialadenitis can vary depending on which salivary gland is affected and how severely inflamed it is. Typically symptoms include:

  1. Soreness or swelling in the salivary gland area
  2. Swelling or redness in the salivary gland area
  3. Swelling or pain in the face or neck
  4. Pain when chewing or swallowing
  5. Dry mouth
  6. Bad taste in mouth
  7. Fever and feeling of general weakness

Sialadenitis can be caused by various factors, such as a blocked salivary duct, infection, salivary gland cancer, salivary gland hyperplasia, and certain medications. Treatment for sialadenitis depends on the cause of the disease and may include antibiotics, antibacterial mouthwashes, pain relievers, and antipyretics.

In some cases, surgery may be required to remove a stone or tumor that may be blocking the salivary duct. In most cases, sialadenitis can be successfully treated with medication, and the recovery process may take several days or weeks.

Overall, sialadenitis is a common condition that can cause some unpleasant symptoms. However, thanks to various treatment methods, most patients fully recover from this disease. If you notice symptoms of sialadenitis, be sure to consult a doctor to get the right treatment and avoid possible complications.

Inflammation of the salivary glands, unfortunately, is not the rarest pathology, since this condition often accompanies the use of antibiotics or develops in oncological pathologies. Classification

Based on the nature of inflammation, sialadenitis is divided into acute and chronic inflammation. They are also usually classified according to location. On this basis, submaxillary and supramaxillary sialadenitis, as well as parotid and sublingual sialadenitis are distinguished. Another popular classification includes damage to one salivary gland, and if the inflammatory process affects several of them simultaneously, then this condition is called multifunctional gland