
Sialovideoscopic and organ-preserving surgery in the treatment of diseases of the salivary glands. Sialogy is a branch of anatomy and surgery devoted to the study of the structure and function of the salivary glands of the human body. In 1951, Karl Langer first performed endosialoscopy - examination of the mouth of the excretory duct of the sublingual gland.

Sialography (from Latin salivum - saliva, and other Greek γραφω - I write, create, describe) or salivology (salizologiya), a research procedure using a sialogaphic device - sialogograph (salivograf) - which evaluates the salivary glands, oral and nasal passages by photographing tissue during intraoral opening of the jaws. Today, the sialogriffic research method is the most accurate, effective and widely used in the study of dental diseases of the oral cavity.