Hangover syndrome

Hangover Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hangover Syndrome, also known as Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, is a condition that can occur in people who drink alcohol in large quantities on a regular basis. This syndrome can occur when a person suddenly stops drinking alcohol or greatly reduces the amount they drink. Hangover syndrome can be dangerous to health and even life, so it is important to know its symptoms and how to treat it.

Causes of Hangover Syndrome

Hangover syndrome occurs because alcohol affects the central nervous system, increasing the amount of neurotransmitters that cause euphoria. When alcohol consumption stops, the levels of these neurotransmitters drop, which can lead to the symptoms of Hangover Syndrome.

Factors that may increase the risk of developing Hangover Syndrome include:

  1. Long-term heavy drinking
  2. Frequent alcohol consumption
  3. Drastically reducing the amount of alcohol consumed or stopping it completely
  4. Having other medical conditions such as liver or heart disease
  5. Genetic predisposition

Symptoms of Hangover Syndrome

Symptoms of Hangover Syndrome may begin within a few hours of stopping drinking alcohol and may continue for several days. They can be mild or severe and include:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Irritability
  3. Neurosis
  4. Insomnia
  5. Trembling of the arms or legs
  6. Sweating
  7. Tachycardia
  8. Dizziness
  9. Convulsions
  10. Hallucinations
  11. Increased sensitivity to sounds and light

Treatment of Hangover Syndrome

Treatment for Hangover Syndrome may include medication, psychotherapy, and supportive care. Drug therapy may include drugs that help manage the symptoms of Hangover Syndrome, such as anxiety and insomnia. Psychotherapy can help a person understand the reasons for their addiction and learn to cope with stress and other emotional problems without using alcohol. Supportive therapy may include participation in support groups or a rehabilitation program.

In conclusion, Hangover Syndrome is a serious medical condition that occurs in people who drink alcohol in large quantities and regularly. Symptoms of Hangover Syndrome can be dangerous to health and even life, so it is important to know their signs and how to treat it. Seeking medical help early can help prevent serious complications and promote a faster recovery. It is also important to remember that the best way to prevent Hangover Syndrome is to limit your alcohol intake or stop drinking it completely.

**Hangover syndrome** **(withdrawal syndrome)** is a pathological condition caused by premature cessation of alcohol consumption. Symptoms of this syndrome can be manifested by various physiological and mental changes in the human body. They are accompanied by severe nausea, vomiting, severe headache, thirst, excessive urination, increased sweating and other symptoms. In this article we will look at the main causes of hangover syndrome, as well as its features depending on gender, age and other factors.