Sivasha Compression-Distraction Device

Sivash compression distraction device: description.

The Sivash compression-distraction device is a medical instrument that is used to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It was developed by the Soviet orthopedic surgeon Sivash in the 1970s and has since been widely used in medicine.

The device consists of two main elements: compression and distraction. The compression element is a metal plate that is attached to the patient's body and provides constant pressure to the damaged area. The distraction element, in turn, allows you to adjust the distance between the plates, which ensures correct pressure distribution and speeds up the healing process.

The advantages of the Sivash compression distraction device include:

– Fast and effective treatment results
– Safety and reliability of use
– Possibility of individual selection of treatment parameters for each patient
– Minimal risks of complications

However, like any other medical instrument, the Sivash compression-distraction device has its drawbacks, such as the possibility of complications and the need for regular monitoring by a doctor. In addition, to use the device effectively, you must have experience working with it and correctly configure the treatment parameters.

In general, the Sivash compression-distraction device is an important tool in the arsenal of an orthopedic doctor, which allows you to quickly and safely treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as ensure the correct healing process and minimize the risks of complications.

**Sivasha compression-dilation apparatus** is a device for performing surgical operations on bones and ligaments. The founder of the device is the Soviet surgeon Viktor Modestovich Sivash (life: April 1, 1894 - January 5, 1966), who was born and died in Odessa, Ukraine. Sivash practiced orthopedics, and quite successfully. In the early 50s, he developed his own apparatus and actively introduced it into practice. The device was named “Sivash” in honor of the famous doctor