Spasm Affective

Afferent convulsions are a complex of pathological manifestations manifested in the form of convulsive syndromes, which are based on various types of pathological impulses that occur in humans or animals and can manifest themselves as a result of lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system. Sometimes (in humans) convulsions are hamartian. Seizures are considered to be forms of reflex reactions that go beyond the normal norm, but the pathological basis is usually unclear. This is one of the most common manifestations in neurology (for example, myoclonus, rigidity, etc.), therefore, the study of the pathophysiological mechanisms of the development of this condition is of great importance for the formation of diagnostic thought.

Convulsions in the form of serial short contractions of the muscles of the maxillofacial region, neck, back and arms often occur due to increased excitability of the irritable center of the cerebral cortex. Along with individual muscle contractions during cortical