Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy is the rehabilitation of patients with speech disorders that have developed due to any existing congenital abnormalities, due to an accident or as a result of illness (for example, after a stroke). Speech-language pathologists have specialized training in the field, but may not have a medical degree.

Speech therapy is aimed at correcting and restoring impaired speech functions using special techniques. The main tasks of speech therapy are diagnosing speech disorders, determining the causes and mechanisms of their occurrence, developing a program of correctional and rehabilitation work, as well as directly conducting speech therapy classes.

The main areas of speech therapy include: correction of sound pronunciation disorders (dyslalia, dysarthria); correction of voice disorders; correction of disturbances in the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech (stuttering, tachylalia, bradyllalia); correction of violations of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech; correction of reading and writing disorders.

Speech therapy assistance can be provided individually or in a group setting. The success of speech therapy work largely depends on the timely detection of speech disorders and the early start of correctional classes.

Speech therapy is the science of treating speech disorders. She is involved in the rehabilitation of patients with various speech disorders: stuttering, impaired pronunciation of sounds, aphasia, etc. A speech therapist can be compared to a doctor who treats speech, not the body.

Speech therapists are specialists who deal with speech correction and development. They work with patients who have speech impairments. Such pathologies can be caused by various factors: congenital abnormalities, accidents, diseases, etc...

It is important to note that speech therapists are not doctors. However, they have special training and knowledge in the field of speech therapy. In addition, they can work with patients without medical training.

Speech therapists use various methods and techniques in their work. For example, they can provide individual sessions with the patient, provide recommendations for improving speech, and help develop communication skills.

Thus, speech therapy is an important aspect of medical rehabilitation of patients with speech disorders. Specialists of this profile play an important role in the lives of people who have speech problems.

Speech therapy (from ancient Greek λόγος - word, speech + παιδία - child; [1]) is a special section of speech therapy that deals with the problems of human speech development as a functional system for the formation of speech sounds, words, phrases of arbitrary speech utterance and thinking. The main task of speech therapy is the prevention and elimination of speech disorders of various degrees of severity and the prevention of reading and writing disorders (dysgraphia and dyslexia) through the specialization of professional activities to normalize speech - a speech center, which is part of the structure of a specialized institution - a rehabilitation center, clinic or neuropsychiatric dispensary. The term “speech therapy” was proposed by the Swiss educator and psychologist Hermann von Gaige in 1928. A speech therapist is involved in the diagnosis, correction and prevention of speech dysfunctions, and also promotes the social functioning of people with speech disorders. Speech therapy practice applies mostly to children, but some professionals also treat adults who have speech disorders