
Spectrophotometry is an analysis method that is used to measure the optical properties of materials. This is a process based on measuring the distribution of light energy as it passes through a sample of material. This method is widely used in chemistry, biology, medicine and other fields where accurate measurement of material properties is important.

The spectrophotometry method is based on the use of an apparatus called a spectrophotometer. It consists of a light source such as a lamp or bulb, an optical unit, prisms and a photocell. Light passes through the sample and its absorption spectrum is measured using prisms. The photocell then measures the amount of light that has reached the photosensitive layer.

Spectrophotomers can be used to determine the concentration of a substance. For example, if a solution of a substance is poured into a vessel, its concentration can be determined using a spectrophotometer. Also, spectrophotometry can be used to determine the molecular weight of a substance.

To accurately measure the optical properties of a material, it is also necessary to take into account its spectral composition. Spectrum is the distribution of the energy intensity of light across frequencies. It is thanks to this fact that the spectra make it possible to distinguish between different materials.

However, spectrophotometric methods have some limitations. For example, they may be subject to errors due to sample movement or temperature variability, limiting their applicability to some objects. However, science moves forward, and with the development of new technologies, spectrophotometers will be used more and more often.