Methods for producing a miscarriage and removing a dead fetus

Sometimes, in certain cases, it is necessary to have a miscarriage, for example, if the pregnant woman is a young girl and they fear that she will die from childbirth, or if there is damage or a fleshy growth in the uterus, narrowing the exit for the child and killing the mother, or when the fetus dies in the womb pregnant. Know that if labor is difficult and lasts four days, it means the fetus has died, and then focus on saving the life of the mother and do not concern yourself with the life of the fetus; on the contrary, try to extract it.

Miscarriage is sometimes caused by movement, and sometimes it is produced by drugs; the drugs work by killing the fetus or forcefully expelling the blood, and sometimes they work by causing the fetus to slip out. Medicines that kill the fetus are bitter substances; medicines that expel blood are also bitter or caustic substances, and medicines that cause the fetus to slip out are substances that are moist and viscous, which are consumed in the form of drinks or suppositories. The movements include bloodletting - mainly from the jugular vein, after basil, especially if the child is large, as well as fasting, physical work, frequent jumping, carrying a heavy load, induced vomiting and sneezing. One of the excellent ways of miscarriage is to insert into the mouth of the uterus of a pregnant woman a rolled piece of paper or a feather or a planed stick of such size as a feather of ushnana, rue, artanis or fern; it will definitely cause a miscarriage, especially if you smear it with some kind of miscarriage medicine, such as kythran, coloquinte pulp, or anything like that.

Medicines that cause miscarriage can be simple or complex. We mention simple drugs in the headings of simple drugs, and complex ones in the Pharmacopoeia, but we will also name here the drugs of both categories that are most effective in achieving the goal. Simple medicines that are farther from significant heat are, for example, wormwood and fume, and hot simple medicines are, for example, the seeds of the broadleaf bug. It is similar to watercress and has a pungent odor; if inserted into the vagina, it aborts the fetus. This also includes harmala seeds, which are drunk or inserted into the vagina; Balsam oil introduced into the vagina expels the fetus and villous membrane, asafoetida and galban also have a strong effect. Bakhur maryam is a very strong medicine in this case if drunk or injected, and some people even claim that if a pregnant woman steps on it, it will lead to miscarriage. The squeezed juice of bakhur maryama in the form of an ointment on the stomach, and especially when inserted into the vagina on a piece of cotton paper, decomposes the fetus; Squeezed juices of all types of Artanis also work. If you give a pregnant woman three dirhams of Persian ushnana to drink, she will throw out the fetus on the same day, and if you give her two dirhams of wolf bast to eat, she will also throw out the child and cause fever and burning. If you inject a decoction of coloquinte pulp using the syringe described below in compliance with the necessary conditions, or if you inject it upward on a woolen cloth, it will have the same effect. Chinese cinnamon is also a good medicine if mixed with madder: it aborts fruit if drunk or inserted into the vagina on a woolen cloth; Along with this, Chinese cinnamon calms nausea. Among the medicines that have a special property in this case is donkey's hoof; they claim that if you fumigate a fruit with it, whether living or dead, it will bring it out. Donkey feces, if fumigated through a funnel, quickly remove the dead fetus; Fumigating salted fish with glue also works.

Among the complex medicines that are taken at the same time is the following strong medicine, which aborts and removes a dead fetus: they take asafoetida - half a dirham, dry leaves of rue - three dirhams and myrrh - a dirham; This amount is given to drink in a decoction of juniper berries once in the morning and once in the evening. Or take equal parts of long aristolochia, gentian, laurel drupes, myrrh, sea bush, black Ceylon cinnamon, madder, squeezed wormwood juice, wild caraway, fresh and hot pepper and dictamn and drink two bowls of this remedy every day for ten days. Among the excellent medicines that easily expel the fetus with calming nausea is a medicine of this kind: take Chinese cinnamon, wild cumin, juniper berries - ten dirhams each, and myrrh - five dirhams; they drink three dirhams at a time every day; Sometimes this makes it easier for the woman in labor to cleanse and remove the villous membrane. Teryak of four medicines is a powerful remedy for miscarriage and removal of a dead fetus. To extract a dead child, they take three uqiyas of rue juice and the same amount of fenugreek juice, lightly boiled with figs, as well as three dirhams\\satar and give the woman in labor this medicine; it causes the dead fetus to slip out. Sometimes they give you a drink of strained cold water near the ritl, adding marshmallow uqiya there, and after drinking this, they induce vomiting and sneezing. Or they drink rue juice in large quantities with fenugreek oil, boiled with dates; This medicine is also suitable for removing the membrane.

Among the means introduced into the vagina is the pulp of the fruit of the wolf's bast; A candle is prepared from it and from the ushshak and administered.

Strong candle. They take the squeezed juice of a mad cucumber - nine qirats, mixed with ox bile, and inject it; this expels the fetus alive or dead.

Paul's candle. They take black hellebore, larkspur, round aristolochia, bakhur maryama, wolf bast seeds, coloquinte pulp and ushshak and grind everything except ushshak, and dilute ushshak in water and knead the rest on it, sometimes adding one more part of dried bull bile. Candles are made from this composition.

A very strong candle. They take grated ammonia - ten dirhams and ushshak - three dirhams, mix ammonia with diluted ushshak and make candles. The patient takes out the candle all night, keeping her legs raised on the pillow. Or a woman is injected, for example, with a decoction of wormwood or squeezed rue juice or a decoction of juniper berries with castor oil.

Syringe for the uterus. It should be a douche with a triangular end and a long neck, as long as the horn of the uterus of the woman being used; when the syringe is inserted into the mouth of the uterus, the woman should feel that she is in the inner cavity of the uterus. A syringe is used to inject drugs that kill the fetus, or cause it to slip out, or expel it.

A method used by one of the ancient doctors to remove the fetus. Removing a dead fetus and cutting it with an iron is used when a woman has a difficult birth. At the same time, we look at whether she is healthy or unhealthy, and if she is one of those who are healthy, we dare to use this method of treatment, and if not, then it should be prohibited. A woman whose condition is unwell experiences fainting, insomnia, “forgetfulness,” relaxation, or displacement of the uterus; if they shout to her, she barely answers, and when called in a loud voice, she gives a weak answer, then faints again. Some women have spasms with tension in all their limbs, and their nerves tremble, they refuse to eat, and their pulse is small and rapid. And if a woman is healthy, then none of this happens to her. The patient should be placed in bed on her back so that her head is tilted downwards and her legs are raised, and women should hold her on both sides; if they are not there, then the patient is tied through the chest to the bed with ropes so that her body does not twitch when they pull the fetus. Then the midwife opens the upper part of the cervix, lubricates her left hand with oil, squeezes her fingers extended lengthwise, inserts her fingers into the mouth of the uterus and expands it with her fingers. Then she pours oil into the mouth and looks for where to insert the hooks that pull out the fruit, and where the raised areas that the hooks grab are located. Such places for a fetus that walks with its head are the eyes, mouth, back of the head, palate, lower jaw, collarbone, as well as places near the ribs and hypochondrium, and for a fetus that walks with its legs, these are the bones above the pubis, the middle ribs and the collarbone. The midwife then takes the instrument with which she draws out the fetus in her right hand, and inserts her left hand into the uterus, hiding the hook  between her fingers, and thrusts the hook into one of the mentioned places until she comes to something empty. Opposite this hook, she inserts another one so that the pulling goes smoothly and the fruit does not deviate to the side. Then the midwife begins to pull, and she should pull not only forward, in the straight direction, but also to the sides, as when extracting teeth. The midwife should from time to time loosen the traction, insert an oiled index finger or several fingers into the space between the uterus and the body that is stuck there, and encircle it with her fingers. If the fruit can be pulled out properly, then have her move the first hook to another higher place, and do the same with the second hook until she has pulled out all the fruit. If one arm appears before the other and it is impossible to push it back in because it is stuck, then you should wrap it in a rag so that it does not slip out and pull until it comes out completely, and then cut it off to the shoulder. The same applies if both arms come out before the shoulders and cannot be pushed back in, and in the same way what is done with the legs when the rest of the body does not follow them: they are cut off, starting from the groins. If the fetus’s head is large and is pinched at the entrance, and there is accumulated water in the head, then you should insert a lancet or a knife with spikes held between your fingers, or a knife used to cut off growths in the nose, and open the head with it so that the water flows out and the head shrinks , and if there is no water and you need to remove the brain from your head, do it. If the fetus has a naturally large head, then you need to open the skull, grab it with forceps, which remove teeth and bones, and pull it out. If the head comes out and the chest is stuck, then with the same instrument they open the places adjacent to the collarbone until they reach the empty bones: then the moisture in the chest will pour out and the chest will shrink, and if it does not shrink, then the collarbones should be cut off and taken out, -when they are taken out, the chest will obey the stretching. If the lower abdomen of the fetus is swollen, and the fetus is dead or alive, then the stomach should also be emptied of what is in it as we described described

As for the fetus, which comes out with its feet, it is easy to pull it and it costs nothing to align its position at the mouth of the uterus; if he gets stuck in the stomach or chest, then he should be pulled out, wrapped in a rag and opened as we described above, so that what is in his body will pour out. And if all the members of the body are removed, but the head does not give in and gets stuck, then let the midwife insert her left hand into the uterus, find the head and pull it with her fingers to the mouth of the uterus, and then let her insert a hook or two hooks from those used to pull the fetus into the head, and pulls her. If the mouth of the uterus is compressed due to the formation of a hot tumor in it, then it should not be sharply expanded; on the contrary, one should apply a generous infusion of fatty substances and moisturize, and also place the woman in a bath and apply medicinal bandages so that the mouth of the uterus opens, and remove the head as we have said. As for the fruit going sideways, if it can be straightened, the methods we mentioned are used, and if this is not possible, the entire fruit is cut inside. After implementing these measures, various methods of treating hot tumors that arise in the uterus should be used. If bleeding occurs, it is treated as stated in its place.