Penis enlargement products

The penis is enlarged by rubbing it with hot fats and oils on hard rags and pouring it with milk, especially sheep's milk. A zift is also glued onto the penis so that the blood is directed into the penis, remains there due to the viscosity of the zift and thickens due to its fat content. They do this all the time at the beginning and end of the day. And let the doctor learn how to glue zift from that part of our Book Four, which talks about cosmetics and teaches how to warm the organs. Among the remedies that act in this way are leeches, if they are dried and lubricated with them on the penis, or earthworms, as well as jilbab, that is, a genus of bindweed that has milky juice, and an infusion of mountain basil. The leeches are taken and placed in a coconut shell, which contains its sap, and left for a week or more until they dry out. Then they are rubbed and the penis is lubricated.

One of the means that gives pleasure to both is saliva, if a person has asafoetida or cubeb in the mouth, as well as myrobalan honey or honey mixed with scammonium resin, or ginger, or pepper with honey. It is also good to apply all this in the form of lozenges on the back half of the penis, because there is no great benefit from using such products on the head alone.