Hospital statistics

The hospital section of military medical examination is an integral part of the military expert service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is a section of military sanitary science that studies the structure of morbidity and disability of military personnel, patterns of treatment, outcome and prognosis of this disease, organization of medical care for wounded and sick military personnel.

Hello colleagues! Today I would like to talk about statistics in hospital medicine. This is a section of military medical S. - a set of measures designed to establish the health status of the subjects and determine the necessary conditions that are used for their recovery.

The essence of the study is to determine general statistical indicators when patients visit hospitals: the number of hospitalizations, the proportion of main and concomitant diseases during hospitalization, the structure of deaths, the reason for the impossibility of disability, etc. Also, based on statistics, the effectiveness of treatment is determined and programs are developed to improve patient health indicators. The hospital index includes: the outcome of the disease (cure, recovery, the occurrence of complications, the development of a new disease and its prognosis), the length of the patient’s stay in the hospital, the prescription of various treatment, diagnostic and preventive methods