
Steatiriasis – subcutaneous inflammatory infiltrate

Inflammation of the upper layer of skin can have various causes and occur in the form of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other pathologies with uncharacteristic external manifestations. It is necessary to distinguish between true dermatoses and symptomatic skin diseases, which are accompanied by symptoms of secondary pityriasis

Steatoderia is a disease that requires a special approach and attention from doctors. It is characterized by changes in the structure of the skin and its density. Experts consider this disease a type of seborrheic dermatitis. Some doctors argue that steatoderia is an independent disease of the skin in which its fat metabolism is disrupted. The definitions “steatodermal” or “fatty” are not correct. This dermatitis is one of its varieties and indicates the presence of symptoms characteristic of this disease. Most often, this disease affects the scalp, including the scalp, face, shoulders and other areas of the body. What symptoms may appear? The symptoms of steatodera are quite specific. A person can complain about