Is it worth buying a home exercise machine?

Once upon a time, at the dawn of the emergence of bodybuilding as a sports discipline, when exercise machines were something magical, and their owners were the happiest people in the world, we all dreamed: “I wish I had one like this at home, how cool it would be.” "! Working out without leaving home - isn't it great? Well, progress does not stand still, and now, after twenty years, this dream has become quite feasible... Moreover, the prices for these goods have dropped noticeably. The former monopoly no longer exists... Many manufacturers have appeared who compete fiercely with each other, which again only benefits us, ordinary buyers... Now not only some sports organization, fitness club or popular weightlifting gym can afford to buy a fitness machine, but and ordinary individuals - we are with you!

As you know, cardio training for burning fat involves, in addition to everything, working on cardio devices. Previously, we could only afford this by visiting a serious fitness club or gym... But now buying a home exercise machine has long ceased to be a curiosity. And, if earlier, in order to purchase a truly worthwhile and reliable exercise machine, you had to go to the capital or regional center, now you can buy a workhorse in any run-down town. Or a regional online store can help you. Let’s open it, look... As we see: the range of devices is quite large and will completely satisfy almost any client: both a beginner and a seasoned athlete...

But here's the question: Is it worth buying a home exercise machine? – after all, nothing can replace live communication with like-minded people in the hall. And by training at home, you are depriving yourself of the spirit of competition, depriving yourself of the excitement that is undoubtedly present when working in a team...

Yes, without a doubt, a home exercise machine saves a lot of time. You don't have to travel to the gym through endless traffic jams. He is always available to you. You can study at almost any convenient time, without leaving the “checkout”... And you don’t have to pay. After all, the machine is in your home, and every trip to a fitness club or gym is, although small, a hit to your pocket... All this is true... But think about it: what are you losing? After all, you lose much more than you gain!

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