Women get acne due to stress

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that can affect both teenagers and adults. However, according to a study conducted by specialists from the Nantes University Hospital, acne in adult women has recently become an increasingly common problem. Interestingly, some of them did not have skin problems even during puberty.

Why are women increasingly suffering from acne? Scientists have suggested that stress is to blame. A modern woman experiences a huge number of stresses, worries and challenges, which can cause serious health problems. It turns out that during stressful situations, women produce male hormones, which provoke more active sebum production and clogging of pores.

Thus, stress is one of the main causes of acne in women. If in teenagers acne usually pops up on the surface of the chin, nose and forehead, then in adult women they are localized deep under the skin. Rashes often occur in girls during menstruation, smokers and those who suffer from chronic diseases of the reproductive system and gastrointestinal tract.

How to deal with acne caused by stress? Doctors recommend first paying attention to your lifestyle. It is necessary to reduce stress levels, for example, by doing yoga, meditation, exercise, or simply taking regular time to relax. It is also worth monitoring your diet, excluding fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets and carbohydrates. It is equally important to properly care for your skin, using high-quality cosmetics and regularly cleaning your pores.

Acne can be quite an annoying and even painful problem,