
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Stomatitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections, trauma, chemicals, allergic reactions, immune disorders, and systemic diseases.

Symptoms of stomatitis include redness, swelling, tenderness, ulceration, bleeding and plaque. Stomatitis often causes pain and discomfort in the mouth, especially when eating and brushing teeth.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic agents are used to treat stomatitis. It is important to eliminate the cause of the disease. For infectious stomatitis, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Prevention of stomatitis includes careful hygienic care of the oral cavity, giving up bad habits, and treatment of chronic diseases. Regular dental checkups also help prevent the development of stomatitis.

STOMATITIS: What is it and how to avoid its occurrence?

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa that can be caused by various reasons: from ordinary infections to serious diseases. Although it may not seem like a serious condition, stomatitis can be dangerous to your oral health and even your entire body. In this article we will talk about the main causes of stomatitis, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of stomatitis

As the name suggests, inflammation of the oral mucosa can be caused by several causes, including bacteria, viruses, allergies, irritants and other factors. Some of the most common causes of stomatitis include:

- Injuries: For example, a bite or a burn to the mouth. - Infections: caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. - Allergies: to food, medications, chemicals. - Errors during medical treatment: for example, inserting needles or medications at the wrong speed.

Symptoms of stomatitis

The main symptoms of stomatitis may include pain, burning, swelling, redness and blistering of the oral mucosa. People who are sick may experience bad breath and have trouble swallowing food. Typically, stomatitis can be most noticeable on the tongue, cheeks, and inner lips.

If you have symptoms of stomatitis: - Start by having your mouth examined by your doctor. He will be able to determine the nature and causes of inflammation and offer appropriate treatment. - Use a soft diet: avoid spicy, hard and very hot foods, which can further injure the mucous cavity. - Maintain good oral hygiene: brush your teeth regularly, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as they can increase the likelihood of stomatitis. Frequent rinsing with a decoction of chamomile or sage also helps. - Avoid stress: Some diseases and injuries cause inflammation of the intestines, resulting in the release of mucous salty substances that can cause oral diseases.

Stomatitis, or streptococcus pyogenes, is an infectious disease that affects the oral mucosa. It is a bacterial infection called streptococcal infection that causes inflammation and irritation of the mouth and gums, as well as impaired jaw mobility and other speech and digestive problems.

Streptococcus pyogenes multiplies rapidly in the mouth and forms ulcers that can be painful and cause discomfort when eating. It may also spread to other parts of the body such as the throat, neck, skin or eyes. If the infection is not treated, it can lead to serious complications.