
The subconscious mind plays a huge role in our lives and can influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior. It is a set of active mental processes that are not the center of our mental activity at a particular moment in time, but influence conscious processes. The subconscious mind can contain our memories, dreams, fears, desires, as well as our instincts and habits.

The subconscious mind can play an important role in decision making. For example, if we have a subconscious fear of a certain situation, then we may make decisions that may be dangerous for us. Also, the subconscious mind can help us achieve our goals if we know that our subconscious desires correspond to our goals.

However, sometimes the subconscious can prevent us from living a full life. For example, subconscious fears can cause us to avoid certain situations or people. Also, subconscious beliefs can lead us to believe that we cannot achieve success or happiness.

To control your subconscious, you need to learn to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. You can also use visualization techniques, meditation, and other techniques to improve your connection with your subconscious mind.

Overall, understanding and mastering our subconscious mind can help us achieve greater success in life.

The subconscious mind or subconscious ideas is a term used to describe the collection of hidden mental processes of a person that influence his life, decision-making and behavior. Some people believe that the subconscious directly influences the events that happen to them, while others are sure that such processes only reflect the inner life of people. But what is the subconscious? And how does it relate to our thoughts and actions?

The subconscious is a set of various mental phenomena and processes that are usually excluded from consciousness, since they occur outside the area of ​​attention. Examples of such phenomena are memories, dreams, metaphorical phrases, intuition, emotions, dreams. The subconscious mind also includes unconscious instincts. Many scientists associate the role of the subconscious in shaping a person’s character and behavior.

Sometimes, as a definition of the subconscious, you can come across the concept of “superconsciousness,” which is synonymous with “subconsciousness.” Superconsciousness refers to intuition and metaphysical experiences. However, superconsciousness often describes thoughts and images beyond human control. Superconsciousness became an integral part of esoteric schools and allowed them to develop on the principles of syncretism (unification of heterogeneous ideas), and later dialectics (decomposition into contradictions and their synthesis) of ideas. The supermind is identified with the term “Divine Origin”, trying to justify the gap between human nature and the transcendental basis of man by giving the latter more sublime personality traits. This term and the idea of ​​God became classic metaphors for supermind ("sensible level" and "mind") among a number of philosophers, for example, James Willis Stuart Mill. In occultism, superconsciousness is characterized as a separate beginning of the psychic and intuitive world of man.