Super Hero

Super Hero: How to come up with a story to make your child feel like the main character

Every child dreams of becoming the hero of their own story. And what could be better than telling a child a fairy tale in which he himself will become the main character? In this article we will tell you how to come up with a story that will help your child feel like a real super hero.

Your story can start anywhere. For example, you could describe your child's birthday party being held at his favorite amusement park. Everything is going well until suddenly something bad happens: your child gets lost in the crowd. He looks for you everywhere, but cannot find you. At this moment, Sally appears - a super hero who is always ready to help.

Sally is an unusual hero. She doesn't have super strength, can't fly, and doesn't wear a suit with a cape. But she has an unusual gift - she knows how to solve any problems. She finds a way out of the most difficult situations, and your child is no exception.

When your child got lost, Sally quickly found him and began to comfort him. She told him that he was not alone and that she was always ready to help him. She then suggested that he play a game to take his mind off his sad thoughts.

The game Sally suggested was unusual. She told your child that she finds objects that lead her to the next clue. Each clue led them to a new location where they could find the next item. So they kept searching until they found a way out of the park.

Ultimately, Sally helped your child return to you, and everything ended well. Your child was very grateful to Sally and was ready to help her in any situation.

This story may just be the beginning. You can come up with many other adventures in which your child will become the main character. The main thing is to give him the opportunity to feel important and a real superhero.