Surviving With Cancer

The life and death struggle which someone goes through during cancer has been compared to something intermediate between living and dying. There is barely any hope either way. With love and life support of loved ones and a patience to wait this tensional period out, people have forged strong will and determination to cope. Each patient has an individual story of their cancer journey. Of course, cancer is some times thought of to have monstrous physical consequences. In addition, there concerns primarily surrounding intensive chemotherapy and side effects it causes. Many cultures have well established rituals which involve therapy, rest and change in diet followed by re beginning of treatment if other avenues have not brought results. Abuse of alcohol, drugs and junk food have also been known to cause nausea and liver damage which negatively influence chemotherapy treatment and treatment choices for other complications occurring as response to treatment such as NO and KRONJ ALP possessives. One must learn from differing experiences and lessons drawn from various circumstances, in order to address the genetic predisposition that drives nature itself to create cancer cells that effect each unique person in a variety of ways.