Susan Eman dreams of weighing 1000 kg. Now she has 320 kg

Susan Eman dreams of weighing 1000 kg

32-year-old American Susan Eman, considered the fattest person on the planet, has a cherished dream - to weigh even more! The woman's current weight is 320 kilograms. Every day she consumes 21 thousand kilocalories a day - that's two shopping carts filled to the brim with groceries. But in Susan's dreams she sees herself weighing 1000 kg, and that is why she intends to increase the caloric content of her food every day.

Thus, Eman plans to get into the Guinness Book of Records. Now she is proud to have broken the record of 43-year-old Donna Simson from New Jersey, who weighed 300 kg. Susan feels great and claims that she has no health problems. Her favorite food is rolls - she can eat 100 of them at one time. Eman also loves cakes and donuts.