Synaptic Transmission

Synaptic transmission is the process in which excitation is transmitted from one nerve cell to another through a specialized connection between them - a synapse (from the Greek synapsis - connection).

A synapse is a gap-like space between two neurons or between a neuron cell and an effector cell. Excitation is transmitted through the synapse in the form of electrical impulses.

There are two types of synapses: excitatory and inhibitory. Each of them has its own characteristics of excitation transmission.

An excitatory synapse usually has several types of chemical transmitters that can transmit excitation. In such synapses, excitation is transmitted through the transmission of an electrical impulse to the postsynaptic membrane.

The inhibitory synapse also has chemical mediators, but they do not transmit excitation; on the contrary, they block the transmission of excitation. In this case, the signal is not transmitted to the postsynaptic cell.

Synaptic transmission plays an important role in regulating the functioning of neurons in the brain. It allows you to quickly and accurately transfer information between neurons, which ensures the coordinated functioning of the nervous system. However, excessive synaptic transmission can lead to pathological processes such as epilepsy or depression.

Synaptic transmission is the process of transmitting a signal through special formations of the nervous system called synapses.

Through a synapse, a signal is transmitted from one cell to another. Cells have several types of synapses, such as axonal and dendritic. An axon (a long cylinder) transmits impulses from neurons in the brain to the brain. The dendrite receives signals from other neurons in the brain or spinal cord. In addition to the cell directly transmitting the signal, the following elements are involved in transmission: * The synapse membrane or membrane covering the contact area. It can be formed both by the plasma membrane of the cell and by a structure in the intercellular space; * Microelements of cells of both compounds;

Cell membrane tubules also participate in the transmission process.

During the process of synaptic connection, a nerve cell sends a signal. It is formed from an increase in the amount of potassium and sodium ions in the neuron. Rapid depolarization and changes in membrane transmission potential occur.