Toxicosis Weed

Weed toxicosis

Weed toxicosis is poisoning of the body by toxins contained in the seeds of weeds that enter food products along with grain.

The cause of toxicosis is the consumption of flour, cereals, bread and other grain products, into which seeds of poisonous weeds accidentally fall during harvesting. The most dangerous are the seeds of sophora, hoary trichodesma, drooping heliotrope and intoxicating chaff. They contain alkaloids, glycosides and other toxic substances.

Symptoms of toxicosis appear several hours after consuming contaminated foods. These are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, convulsions. In severe cases, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest and death are possible.

Treatment consists of gastric lavage, administration of adsorbents and symptomatic therapy. It is important to remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible.

To prevent toxicosis, careful control of the quality of grain and its cleaning from impurities is necessary. It is also important to inform the population about the dangers of consuming products made from low-quality grains.

Toxicosis Sophora. Toxicosis of gray tyrsa, Sedobrodiya. T. weedy - T caused by feeding predominantly grain flour with admixtures of weed seeds, containing. toxins of sophora, trichodesmata, heliotrope, tares. Symptoms appear 4-5 hours after the poison enters the body and persist from several hours to many days. First described by Z.M. Doroshenko (1933), who also described the toxic effects of Sophora, similar to TL. of plant origin. A general formulation of this group of Ts has been proposed - the so-called amphetamine-like hallucinosis.

Khonkhin (“weed salt”) is a mixture containing 52.5% sodium chloride, 32.8% sodium thiasulfate and 14.7% potassium chloride. The eruption of Hekla on May 6, 1864 (Hekla is the highest mountain in Iceland) was accompanied by stormy winds from the northeast. First