What's the difference between serum and cream?


Modern cosmetology does not stand still and new products designed for skin care are constantly appearing. Whey is one of them. In practice, not everyone knows how a facial serum differs from a cream and why it is considered more effective. Let's look into this issue so you can decide for yourself which product is best for you to use.


What are serum and cream

First, it’s worth looking at the terminology. A serum is a personal care product that has a particularly high concentration of active ingredients, and acts intensively, solving one specific problem.

Cream is also called a product with a more complex action. It deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, making it visibly better.



Main differences

As you can see, the main difference is that serum is a more concentrated product. This product contains many more active substances, so it works better than cream, solving the problem faster and more actively. You will notice the result of its active action much faster, since all components are absorbed by the body much easier.


The special composition of the serum makes it more permeable, so it is easier for other components to penetrate into it.

Vitamins E and A, as well as beneficial minerals, penetrate deeply, revitalizing and moisturizing the skin. Overall, your skin looks noticeably better, but the end result depends entirely on the product you choose.


But, if you decide to choose a serum to solve some problem related to the dermis, then you need to remember that this product still cannot become a universal healing agent. Choose a product exclusively for your skin type and your problem. Fortunately, this is not at all difficult to do, because there are serums with moisturizing, nourishing, and lifting effects. Anti-aging and anti-stress products that solve the most important problems of modern city dwellers are also popular.


Another important feature that distinguishes serums from creams is that they are not selected according to skin type. They should be chosen depending on the composition and the specific problem. So, for example, if you suffer from acne, then you will need a good sebum-regulating product. And to tighten your skin, you should choose a high-quality anti-aging product with a lifting effect.

Remember that the wrong serum will only harm you. Especially if you have sensitive skin. Such an epidermis will react to an unsuitable product in a completely unexpected way - inflammation, rashes.


Beneficial features

But, be that as it may, serums can still have a positive effect on the skin.

Their active components can improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, even out the moisture balance, and make the skin more youthful, well-groomed and toned. But for each individual person a specific product is selected.


For even more information about the benefits of serum and how to use it correctly, watch the next video.

Let's look at several of the most popular types of facial serums that girls and women of different ages should pay attention to.


Most often, girls choose liquids for rejuvenation and face. The fact is that to obtain a noticeable effect and get rid of wrinkles, you need a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. It is precisely contained in the serum. The concentrated product quickly activates the skin rejuvenation process, and the result becomes outwardly noticeable.

The product also contains beneficial plant extracts and fruit acids. They help fight the aging process. And due to the fact that the skin is more open to the penetration of active substances, it becomes better and more vibrant.



Another popular product is a hydrating serum. This product can be used on very dry and flaky skin. The serum, aimed at solving this problem, contains components that retain the required level of moisture in the epidermis.

As a result of using this product, the skin becomes more even, moisturized and smooth.



This product is often used to to restore the epidermis after using inappropriate cosmetics, applying cleansing procedures, or simply after the skin has been exposed to strong ultraviolet rays.

The revitalizing serum works well on the skin, reducing noticeable redness, removing puffiness and preventing the skin from scarring. All these effects are achieved due to the fact that the serum is rich in collagen, vitamins, elastin, and, of course, hyaluronic acid.


In addition to those listed above, remedies for combating acne and age spots are quite common. Anti-stress serums have a more comprehensive effect on the skin.


How to use it correctly

There are several ways to apply serum. It can be used instead of cream or together with it.

In any case, before using this product, the skin must first be cleansed. Next, you can swipe a cotton pad soaked in tonic over your face. This way, the skin will be perfectly prepared for the next step.



Whey, as already noted, is a very concentrated product. Therefore, to improve the condition of your face, you will not need to completely lubricate it with a layer of this product.

It is enough to simply apply a few drops to your face, driving them lightly under the skin.


Some serums can be used in combination with cream from the same manufacturer. It must be applied after the serum has taken effect. That is, in a few minutes. The cream allows you to create an additional protective layer on the skin. It will allow the product to penetrate as deeply as possible and will not evaporate under the influence of the external environment. In addition, matching products enhance the effects of all components.


When using serum to improve skin condition, you should do it regularly. The product should be applied to the skin every morning and every evening. This needs to be done over several weeks. The duration of the course depends on the characteristics of the serum.

Also remember that regular use of serum should not be your only skin care routine. Don’t exclude cleansing, toning, and additional moisturizing of your face.



Popular Products

To get the most out of any product, it is always important to choose a quality product. And serums are, of course, no exception. Let's look at a few popular manufacturers that are worthy of your attention.

"Glow of Youth"

Budget brand "One Hundred Beauty Recipes" pleasantly pleases customers with products that are accessible to every girl. But the advantages of skincare products from this brand do not end there. It has a very light consistency. This means that you will not have problems applying the product, and after using it, your skin will be as soft, smooth and velvety to the touch as possible.


This product can be used instead of night or day cream.

The product will work very well on dry and aging skin. A good result is achieved through a properly selected composition. It includes components such as keratin, collagen, jojoba oil and extracts of beneficial herbs, including linden, black currant and rose hips.


"Narrowing of pores"

If you have oily skin, you should pay attention to products from Natura Siberica. Products from this brand have always pleased us with their natural composition, and the serum is no exception. The composition, designed to tighten pores, contains extracts of herbs such as flax, calendula and chamomile.

That is why the product has a good effect on the skin, toning it and cleansing it.



Serum from Chocolatte, which helps fight acne - this is an excellent option for problem skin. It contains salicylic, hyaluronic and azelic acids, as well as plant extracts. The product clears the skin of rashes and mattifies it. As a result, the face looks much better and cleaner.


In addition to the previously listed products, it is also worth paying attention to Bielita “Perfect Skin” products and the line of serums from Via Lata.



In the video below we present to your attention a hit parade of 15 serums.


In general, reviews about the use of serums are positive from both ordinary customers and professional cosmetologists. The right product helps you deal with any problem much faster and more efficiently. High-quality facial care products, as a rule, are quite expensive, but they are what professional cosmetologists recommend choosing.

Choose proven products so that the product really has the effect that the manufacturer promises.

Recently, the number of different serums for skin care has increased significantly, whereas previously they could only be found in the arsenal of professional cosmetologists. In addition, the vast majority of the fair sex preferred to use classic creams. What is the reason for the growing popularity of this type of cosmetics? Are they really more effective than conventional creams? Let's take a closer look at these questions.


Serum – a surface-acting skin care product with a high concentration of active substances and an ultra-intensive formula.

Cream – a complex emulsion-type cosmetic product with a deep moisturizing effect.


The serum is a highly concentrated product with a huge number of active ingredients. Its constituent elements are often concentrates of fruit acids and natural vitamins, coupled with a variety of healing minerals. The basis of the cream is a regular emulsion - a mixture of oil and water in certain proportions, fixed with emulsifiers. The serum contains only a tiny part of the oil phase, and therefore it noticeably tightens the skin and cannot combat its flaking. However, it acts much faster than the cream due to the high content of active ingredients. To avoid oversaturation of the skin, the serum is used in very small doses in short courses. Alas, the effect of its use does not last long, and the serum is simply not able to fight underlying problems.


The cream is intended for regular use. The result of its use will be noticeable only 3-4 weeks after skin renewal. By overcoming the stratum corneum, its components are able to have a deep anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and moisturizing effect, as well as fight pigmentation processes. Being the most comprehensive product, the cream can solve a much larger number of problems.

Cosmetology science is constantly developing new preparations for facial care. The new products still include recently introduced serums. It is necessary to take into account their difference from various creams.

Cosmetologists consider the new product to be the most effective. Serums contain highly active components with intense action aimed at solving one skin problem. While creams are complex products with different tasks of moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Main differences

The difference between creams and serums is in the concentration of active components, which is why cosmetologists give serum a more effective value.

The components of the serum are easily absorbed by the epidermis; its structure is more permeable to dermal cells, which allows its components to easily penetrate the skin cells.

Any serum contains vitamins E and A and minerals. They solve the problem of revitalizing and moisturizing the skin. The effect of the drug depends on the skin problems for which the serum is selected.

In solving this problem, serum does not become a universal remedy. It must be chosen for a specific epidermal problem. To do this, developers produce serums with different effects - to moisturize, or nourish the epidermis, or provide lifting.

There are remedies against age-related changes and against stress - these are the ones that are most popular among women.

An important difference is that serums do not need to be selected according to skin type, only according to the composition aimed at solving specific skin defects.

A sebum-regulating serum works well against acne. Skin tightening is performed by a product against age-related problems with a lifting effect.

The serum must be chosen correctly. The advice of a cosmetologist will help with this, especially with sensitive epidermis, which can react to an incorrectly chosen product with unexpected inflammations and rashes.

Beneficial features

The active components of the serum improve blood circulation, strengthen vascular walls, and remove their pattern from the face.

Other products are aimed at maintaining moisture balance so that the skin looks well-groomed and toned. A cosmetologist helps each woman choose a serum for a specific purpose.

Products with a rejuvenating effect are chosen by girls who notice the appearance of the first wrinkles in order to nourish the epidermis with high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, which maintains skin turgor and smoothes them out.

This occurs due to the active effect of concentrated substances on stimulating the natural regeneration of skin that begins to fade.

The serum composition contains plant extracts and fruit acids. Natural components inhibit aging, easy penetration of active substances into the dermis makes it more vibrant and fresh.

Serums with a moisturizing effect help to nourish dry skin prone to flaking with moisture. Products with this effect contain components that retain the required level of moisture in the layers of the epidermis. The skin is moisturized, which smooths out fine wrinkles and makes the surface of the epidermis smooth.

Preparations with a restorative effect are used to regenerate the epidermis after using heavy cosmetics. These serums are used to cleanse the face or treat after long exposure to the sun.

Restorative agents reduce redness of the skin surface, remove swelling, and prevent the appearance of scars. This is achieved due to the content of collagen, vitamins, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the regenerating serums in appropriate proportions.

There are products aimed at combating acne and pigmentation. The woman decides which drug to choose based on her existing skin problems.

Rules for using serum

Usually serum is used instead of cream. But often cosmetologists, when solving complex skin problems, recommend using cream after applying the serum. Before applying the serum, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed of daily dirt and cosmetics.

Apply a few drops of serum to a cleansed face by tapping them into problem areas with your fingertips. There is no need to treat the entire skin with serum. If the product is used in combination with a cream, it is recommended to choose products from one manufacturer.

The cream is applied to the face a few minutes after the serum, when its effect on the epidermis has already begun. Applying the cream gives the skin a layer of protection.

It helps the serum components penetrate into the layers of the epidermis as deeply as possible without evaporating from the surface. Well-chosen products enhance the effect of their components.

The serum is used regularly, once a day, preferably at night, for several weeks. The duration of use of the serum is determined by its characteristics and skin sensitivity. At the same time, you need to use cleansing tonics and moisturizing creams.