Antidiphtheria Serum Liquid

Anti-diphtheria liquid serum: detailed instructions for use.

The harsh world is known for such evil viruses that cause people many problems and require special treatment. One of these viruses is diphtheria, which affects the respiratory tract and causes severe intoxication of the body. The main cause of complications is the weakness of the immune system. Preventive measures include the administration of serum to combat this disease. We will learn how the medicine works and for what indications it is used.

What is anti-diphtheria serum liquid?

Such preparations contain specific immunoglobulin proteins in the blood of horses, inactivated by horse antitoxin. The volume of liquid may vary, which allows the specialist to calculate the required dose of the drug. This medicine is produced in Russia by a number of manufacturers who have the appropriate product quality certificates: Biomed, Microgen NPO (Biofactory), Immunopreparat and others. It is used for the prevention and complex therapy of diphtheria.

Indications for use

The main reason for using serum: prevention of superinfections in people who have had diphtheria. Indications also include cases:

* roncolia in newborns; * nursing babies; * recent onset of respiratory infection; * the appearance of a rash on the skin like aphthous stomatitis; * use of serum preparations after a diphtheria epidemic in a group until it ends.

Do not use if you are hypersensitive to the active substance or other components of the drug. The serum is administered 2 times a day with an interval of two days. Repeated vaccination is carried out after a year. The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually by the attending physician.

Liquid anti-diphtheria serum is recommended for the treatment of diphtheria, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium C. diphtheriae. This medicine contains specific immunoglobulins that help fight infection and prevent its spread. It is available in two forms: injection solution with a concentration of 10,000