Tachycardia treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies

Benefits and contraindications of alternative treatment for tachycardia. Effective recipes for home remedies: infusions, decoctions, tinctures, honey and essential oils.

The content of the article:
  1. The benefits of alternative treatment for tachycardia
  2. Contraindications
  3. Recipes for folk remedies
    1. Infusions and decoctions
    2. Tinctures
    3. Honey
    4. Essential oils

Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies is a set of measures to stabilize the heart rhythm at home. Includes the use of herbal decoctions - single and multi-component, alcohol tinctures and other internal means, as well as the external use of essential oils. The main task of traditional treatment of tachycardia is to normalize the heart rate. Moreover, if severe stress led to their increase and the situation is one-time, you can not take any action after calming the heart, otherwise, if the situation constantly repeats, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe traditional treatment.

The benefits of alternative treatment for tachycardia


The photo shows tachycardia or rapid heartbeat

Cardiac tachycardia is a condition characterized by an increase in heart rate (HR) of more than 90 beats per minute. It is considered pathological only if the heart rate increases above normal in the absence of physical activity or psychological stress factor.

The use of folk remedies for tachycardia without medical supervision is appropriate only when we are talking about non-pathological causes of increased heart rate. They can also be beneficial in situations where there is pathology, but here a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

There are a number of advantages in treating tachycardia with folk remedies, which are as follows:

  1. Safety. Natural ingredients provide a minimal risk of side effects, while medications that regulate heart function are usually strong drugs with a large list of side effects.
  2. Availability. Pharmacy medications for the heart are also usually quite expensive, but home herbal medicine is available to everyone. And since heart problems most often develop in old age, when a person has no other sources of income other than a small pension, this factor becomes especially important.
  3. Reliability. Folk remedies for tachycardia have proven their worth over many years of use; our grandmothers calmed the heart with special decoctions and tinctures, and therefore there is no doubt about their effectiveness.

When using folk remedies for cardiac tachycardia, a general healing effect is achieved, since any herbs have a complex effect, they are not only able to stabilize the rhythm, but also strengthen the immune system, reduce the inflammatory load on the body, etc.

Contraindications for alternative treatment of tachycardia


With all the advantages of grandmother’s recipes, they absolutely cannot be used if tachycardia is caused by pathological reasons, that is, if the heart rate increases in the absence of obvious reasons.

You need to understand that in this case, a rapid heartbeat is not an independent disease, but is always a symptom of one or another disorder in the functioning of the body. Precisely because there is no clear understanding of the reason for the jumps in heart rate, no independent actions can be taken, otherwise the situation can only worsen.

However, even if the cause is determined and complex therapy is prescribed by the doctor, we must not forget about individual intolerance, therefore all folk remedies for treating cardiac tachycardia should be introduced gradually, especially if you have never taken them orally before. You don’t need to drink the full dosage on the first day; start with a couple of tablespoons of herbal tea or a couple of drops of alcohol tincture.

The compatibility factor is also important. There are a large number of recipes for lowering heart rate, and many believe that using them all at once will help faster. However, this is not the right approach, and here the deterioration of the condition is more likely than a speedy recovery. In addition, using several recipes at the same time will not allow you to evaluate which of them really helps.

And finally, if you have concomitant diseases, be sure to study the list of contraindications for a particular prescription, otherwise, as a result, you can bring your heart rate back to normal, but at the same time aggravate another disease.

Recipes for folk remedies for treating tachycardia

Treatment of cardiac tachycardia with folk remedies primarily involves the use of various herbs with a sedative effect. They can be brewed and infused in water or alcohol, used either singly or in combination. Rubbing with essential oils or inhaling their vapors is also quite effective in normalizing heart rate.

Infusions and decoctions against tachycardia

Infusion of motherwort and calendula for the treatment of tachycardia

Decoction therapy takes first place in the treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies at home. Among the main advantages of herbal decoctions are a minimal likelihood of side effects and a mild effect.

Several recipes for infusions and decoctions for tachycardia:

  1. Motherwort and calendula. To prepare this infusion, you will need equal parts of calendula and motherwort, take 1 tablespoon of herbs and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave to brew for 2-3 hours and drink throughout the day.
  2. Grape leaves. Grind grape leaves (1 cup), pour boiling water (800 ml), and place on low heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes, cool and strain. Drink half a glass of medicine twice a day.
  3. Collection of nettles and mistletoe. Take nettle (100 g) and mistletoe (100 g), add lemongrass leaves (50 g) and ginkgo biloba (15 g) to them. Pour boiling water (3 cups) over the mixture, bring to a boil over very low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml before bed.
  4. Collection of lemon balm and linden flowers. Take lemon balm (40 g) and linden flowers (40 g), add chamomile (20 g) and nettle (20 g), mix all the herbs well. Measure a spoonful of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave under a closed lid for 5-10 minutes. Drink a glass of infusion three times a day, each time you need to prepare a fresh decoction.
  5. Chamomile collection. Combine chamomile (100 g) and sunflower flowers (100 g), add currant leaves (50 g) and heather (50 g), also add lemon balm (20 g) and mint (20 g), mix everything. Place 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos, pour boiling water (2 liters) and leave for 5 hours. Drink a glass 3 times a day.

Any collection can be sweetened a little with honey if the taste is unpleasant. All herbs can be taken either fresh or dried; you can collect them yourself or buy them at the pharmacy. In addition, please note that at the pharmacy you can find ready-made preparations to reduce heart rate; in conditions of limited time, it is quite possible to use them.

Tinctures for the treatment of tachycardia

Tincture of hawthorn and elecampane for tachycardia

Tinctures are another effective folk method against tachycardia. You can also buy them ready-made at the pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself. Tinctures, as a rule, have a stronger effect than herbal decoctions, however, the likelihood of side effects increases. And if the healing effect of decoctions is aimed, rather, at gradually improving the condition of the cardiovascular system, then prescriptions for alcohol help both with long-term therapy and directly at the time of an attack.

Several recipes for tinctures for tachycardia:

  1. Hawthorn. Pour the hawthorn fruits (20 g) with alcohol (200 g). Leave for 2 weeks in a cool place.
  2. Elecampane. Pour elecampane root (100 g) with alcohol (2 cups), put in a cool place for 2 weeks.
  3. Lemon tincture. Squeeze juice from lemon (40 ml), chokeberry (100 ml), cranberries (300 ml), carrots (200 ml), mix them all together and pour in vodka (1 glass). Pour into a jar or bottle, close, shake well. Leave it for a day.
  4. Complex tincture. Mix ready-made tinctures - hawthorn, valerian, motherwort (100 ml each), eucalyptus (50 ml), mint (25 ml) and add cloves (10 pcs.). Mix well, leave for 2 days in a cool place.

All tinctures for therapeutic purposes should be drunk before meals three times a day, 1 teaspoon diluted in 40-50 ml of water. During an attack, the entire daily dose is drunk every 20 minutes within an hour. Be sure to shake the tinctures before using them.

To effectively and safely treat tachycardia with folk remedies using alcohol, you need to be confident in the quality of the alcohol used. But even in the case of good alcohol, they are not allowed for liver disease, severe heart and digestive system diseases, alcohol dependence, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

Honey against tachycardia

Honey against tachycardia

Honey works well in folk medicine against tachycardia. This product is less likely to develop side effects than alcohol tinctures, but is often more effective than herbal remedies. Prescriptions containing honey are contraindicated in case of a fairly common allergy to it, as well as in diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes.

How to use honey to treat tachycardia:

  1. With lemon and garlic. Peel the garlic (10 cloves), grate. Squeeze lemon juice (10 pieces) - you can squeeze it with your hands, but it is better to use a juicer. Melt honey (1 l), mix with prepared ingredients. Leave for 10 days in a cool place. Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day - the medicine should not just be eaten, but dissolved in the mouth.
  2. With nuts and chocolate. Melt honey (1 l) and dark chocolate (100 g) and mix. Grind the nuts - almonds and walnuts (100 g each), add cocoa (100 g) to them. Combine all ingredients and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Then take 1 tablespoon in the morning. This remedy is not only healthy, but also very tasty, but do not forget that it was created for medicinal purposes, do not abuse it and do not use it as a dessert!

Essential oils for tachycardia

Anise essential oil for tichardia

Essential oils, like alcohol-based medications, are effective both as part of long-term therapy and directly during an attack. However, in order to use them in the latter case, you need to know in advance whether there is an individual intolerance to a particular oil.

The esters of anise, cinnamon, lavender, lemon balm, cloves, eucalyptus, sage, mint, and thyme work especially effectively for tachycardia. They can be used individually or mixed in various combinations. Oils are either simply applied to some natural tissue and inhaled, or mixed with a small amount of base oil (olive, almond, peach, etc.) and rubbed into the sternum.

But please note that both breathing procedures and rubbing must first be carried out in a calm state in order to be sure that during an attack they will help and not aggravate the situation.