
Tarsomarginoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that is aimed at correcting the shape and volume of the hips and buttocks. It involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue from the inner thigh and creating a more defined thigh line and buttocks by adding volume and shape to the outer thigh.

Tarzomarginoplasty can be performed either alone or in combination with other types of plastic surgery, such as liposuction or lipofilling. It can help improve the shape and size of your hips, making them more attractive and improving your gait.

However, like any other operation, tarsomarginoplasty has its risks and can lead to complications. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all possible risks and benefits, and also consult with an experienced surgeon.

Tarzomarginaplasty is a type of plastic surgery that can improve the shape and texture of the thighs and remove excess skin on the inner thighs or waist.

There can be many reasons why people decide to undergo tarsomarginoplasty. These include age-related changes in the shape of the hips and the need to correct the shape for varicose veins. Another reason may be contouring and a visual increase in volume in the hips (for example, due to cellulite). This often happens in women after childbirth or sudden weight loss. Sometimes the reason for undergoing surgery is a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of dark stripes on the skin (paint lines). In this case, a repeat operation is possible, but with a different surgeon. As you can see, there are many reasons to choose this type of surgery. But let's take a closer look at the procedure itself.

Tarsomarginal plastic surgery is performed either using a classic or mini laser. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the final decision on