Pelvis Scoliotic

Scoliotic pelvis (R. scolioctica) is a deformation type of pelvis, characterized by kyphotic deformation of the acetabulum with a straight axis of the body. With scoliosis, the upper aperture of the pelvis is located below the horizontal plane of the XII ribs, the lower (entrance to the small pelvis) is above this plane. The entrance and exit of the pelvis at different levels lead to incorrect formation of the amorphous female pelvis - a symphysis congenita muliebris, which determines disturbances in all subsequent stages of intrauterine life of the fetus and childbirth. Currently, scoliosis is characterized as a “crooked spine,” but this is only part of the true diagnosis. Kyphotic deformation of the feet, feet, wrists, deformities of the chest, spine, chronic pain syndromes, deformation of the abdominal organs, violation of the gastric diaphragm, bronchial asthma, various types of intestinal obstruction, prolapse and prolapse of the pelvic organs, curvature of the spine or bone skeleton, intestinal adhesions , hernia, urinary incontinence,