Thymic corpuscles

Thymic corpuscles are part of the thymus gland or thymus and are located in the chest cavity. This means they are found near the lungs, heart, and other organs of the chest. The thymus gland plays an important role in the immune system and is especially developed in children and adolescents. It is also an organ for the production of thyroxine,

Thymic corpuscles A substance that serves the body as an antioxidant and provides protection against toxic effects on the human body is known as thymic corpuscles. If there is a lack of such “antioxidants,” their deficiency is compensated for with additional doses.

Description *Thymic corpuscles -* (corpuscularia *thirni; syn: **Guassal** corpora, “epithelial pearls”) are structures present in the cells of the mammalian thymus as part of its parenchyma. They are **cells** produced by the thymus gland and called small lymphocytes. The bodies have a characteristic morphology consisting of bundles of mitochondria and associated phospholipids. They contain a number of antioxidants, including glutathione peroxidase and catalase, which reduce oxidative stress.

The immune system

Thymic corpuscles are a cell present in the thymic parenchyma called the thymic epithelial cell.** The thymic corpuscles may help maintain the function of the thymic cell population and control the rate of elimination of senescent lymphocytes. The corpuscles generally do not have the properties of immune cells such as antigen cells or plasma cells, but instead their primary function is to store steroid hormones. Along with small lymphocytes, **bodies are included** in the composition of macrophage cells. The functions of telogen cells are shared between macrophages with body granules and activated lymphocytes. In addition, circulating telescemyacids are found in tissues involved in inflammatory and proliferative processes, in autoimmune diseases and conditions characterized by high activity of the immune system. In accordance with these functions, thymus cells produce a number of mediators and cytokines that are important for the functioning of the immune system and regenerative processes in its target organs.