Tenosynovitis Brucellosis

This infectious inflammatory disease is caused by the pathogen - Brucella melitensis - typical cocci, non-motile, gram-negative, forming chains and small spherical forms, multiplying only inside cells. It is characterized by prolonged, sluggish onset of fever, chills, pain in muscles and joints; the appearance of inflammatory nodes in the presence of gonorrhea. There are scars on the mucous membranes of the face, persistent discharge in the nose. Sometimes there are lymphoreticular and bronchiectasis manifestations on the extremities.\n\n**Pathogenesis and pathological picture**. A characteristic disruption of the blood coagulation process causes the manifestation of various types of hemorrhages. Diseases of the spleen, liver and kidney infarctions are the result of tissue damage by parasites. The muscles of the pelvis and lower back associated with insufficient functionality of the omentum, intestines, kidneys, especially with their infarctions, as well as indigestion of juices, are most susceptible to purulent inflammatory process. Inflammation of the joints is a consequence of disorders in tissue metabolism due to immunity disorders or endocrine changes.\n\nMore severe forms of the disease are bronchitis and pneumonia in men and myocarditis in women. There may be rheumatoid arthritis, as well as osteomyelitis with recovery after many years.\n