Dehydration therapy

Dehydration therapy is a type of therapy aimed at reducing fluid content in the body or in individual organs and systems. It is used for various conditions accompanied by excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues and body cavities, in particular edema.

The goal of dehydration therapy is to normalize the water-salt balance by removing excess fluid from the body. Various methods are used for this:

  1. Limiting fluid and salt intake. This is the main and most physiological method of dehydration. The patient is recommended to reduce fluid intake to a certain volume per day.

  2. The use of diuretics (diuretics), which increase the excretion of fluid in the urine.

  3. The use of laxatives that stimulate the removal of fluid from the intestines.

  4. Plasmapheresis and hemodialysis are methods of extracorporeal (outside the body) removal of excess fluid from the blood.

  5. Puncture removal of fluid directly from body cavities (ascites, hydrothorax, etc.).

Dehydration therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, since its improper use can lead to dehydration and disturbances in the water-salt balance. Therefore, during the treatment process, regular monitoring of the patient’s condition and adjustment of therapy is important.

In everyday life, we encounter a variety of diseases that can lead to negative consequences and even premature death. One of these diseases is dehydration, a condition in which there is a lack of water in the body.

Dehydration can be caused by various reasons, such as extreme thirst, diarrhea, vomiting, alcohol or drug use, insufficient water intake, severe physical or mental stress. Depending on the degree of dehydration, symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe consequences.

One of the most common causes of dehydration is probably excessive vomiting and diarrhea. With these diseases, a large amount of mucus occurs, through which water cannot pass and the body becomes dehydrated. Another factor that contributes to dehydration is the consumption of certain foods that contain alcohol or drugs. In addition to causing extreme thirst, these substances can also directly affect the body's water balance. To stay hydrated and prevent negative health consequences, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including drinking enough water and eating healthy foods. If you experience severe pain when urinating, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Even minor symptoms can indicate a serious illness that can lead to dehydration, so it is important to seek medical attention promptly.

Dehydration therapy is one of the treatment methods that is used to reduce the fluid content in the human body. It can be used for various diseases and conditions such as swelling and inflammation. In this article we will look at the basics of dehydration therapy and its application in medical practice.

What is dehydration? Dehydration refers to the accumulation of a significant concentration of fluid inside cells, intercellular empty space, interstitial fluid and plasma. An increase in cellular water volume leads to an increase in hydrostatic pressure, which can lead to disruption of tissue function. This can result in too little (acute dehydration) or too much fluid (chronic dehydration). Depending on the reason