Teratospermia (Teratospermid)

It is known that problems with conception and infertility can be associated with various factors, including the quality of sperm in men. One of the most common disorders is oligospermia, a condition in which the number of sperm in the ejaculate is reduced. However, apart from this, sperm quality can also play a significant role, and one of its aspects is teratospermia.

Teratospermia is a condition in which the shape and structure of sperm are very different from normal. Such sperm may have an unusual size, shape or structure, which can significantly reduce their motility and ability to fertilize eggs. Teratospermia may be one of the factors leading to infertility in men.

One of the ways to diagnose teratospermia is a spermogram - a sperm analysis that is carried out in a laboratory. During a spermogram, various parameters of sperm are examined, including its quantity, motility and shape. If teratospermia is detected, the man may be recommended additional examinations and treatment.

Treatment for teratospermia may involve a variety of approaches, including medications, lifestyle and diet changes, and surgery in some cases. However, the effectiveness of such treatment may vary depending on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Teratospermia can be a serious problem for men who want to have children. Therefore, it is important to know about the symptoms and causes of this disorder, and also to consult a specialist if you suspect teratospermia. Early detection and treatment of this disorder can increase the chances of successful conception and the birth of a healthy child.

Teratospermia - oligospermia **Synonyms:** *ochrospermia, choriospermia*

This means that there are practically no sperm in the ejaculate or their number is sharply reduced compared to the norm (with the exception of the immunological form of teratospermia, caused by an immune reaction to a foreign body in the bladder cavity). In this case, the sperm may be 0.1 ml or less. Despite the low volume of ejaculate, fertility is preserved due to the high content of sperm in it.