Thyme and wheatgrass

Its seeds are very hot.

Eruption organs.
It drives urine, expels fetuses dead or alive, and removes bile juices and blood. They give you half a dirham to drink at a time; he expels worms.

They say it is bidgiyah.

Cold, dry to the first degree, especially at the fresh root.

Its power is astringent, burning, and its squeezed juice prevents matter from seeping into the insides.

Wounds and ulcers.
It is useful for fresh wounds if applied to them, especially its root, which has healing properties.

Organs of the head.
It prevents the occurrence of all catarrhs.

Organs of the eye.
Its squeezed juice, boiled with honey or wine - both are taken in equal quantities by weight - is an excellent medicine for the eyes. This medicine is made up like this: take the squeezed juice of sila, half of it the amount of myrrh, a third - pepper and a third - incense and mix. This is an excellent medicine that should be kept in a copper box.

Nutritional organs.
Its seeds and roots stop vomiting and prevent matter from leaking into the stomach. Its seeds are generally suitable for the stomach.

Eruption organs.
Its seeds in medicines for licking drive away urine and crush stones due to their dryness, combined with bitterness; Its root and decoction are also useful for bladder ulcers.