Toxicology Clinical

Toxicology (from the Greek toxikon - poison and logos - science) is a branch of medicine that studies the effects on the human body of toxic substances, as well as poisons of plant, animal and microbial origin, which cause disturbances in physiological functions and diseases.

Toxicology is a science that studies and investigates chemicals that can cause poisoning or death in the body. She studies the nature, causes, mechanisms of action and consequences of poisoning, and also develops methods and means of diagnosis and treatment.

Tasks of toxicology

  1. Study of the mechanisms of toxic effects of poisons on the body.
  2. Development of methods for diagnosing poisoning.
  3. Research of methods of treatment of poisonings and development of new medicines.
  4. Study of pathological processes caused by the influence of toxic compounds.
  5. Determination of the degree of danger of toxic compounds to human life and health.
  6. Identification of causes and sources of poisoning, development of preventive measures.
  7. Studying the impact of toxic substances on the environment and developing measures for its protection.
  8. Development of measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of poisoning.

Good afternoon

Clinical toxicology (CTC) is a field of medical science devoted to the study of the effects of poisons on the human body.

This section of T. studies the clinical (that is, manifested in the body) manifestations of poisoning and develops methods for diagnosing and treating poisoning, considers clinical observations of patients, examination methods and interpretation of its results, as well as the possibilities of early diagnosis, prevention and therapy of poisoning. Unlike general toxicology (T0), TOX does not seek to elucidate the mechanisms of the body's reactions to this poison, but only reflects the complexity and ambiguity of the effects of the poison and the effects of toxic substances containing the body.

First of all, toxicology has a close relationship with all clinical specialties and is of great importance for their professional work. Some theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations can be used in building a system for raising the professional level and improving the clinical activities of general practitioners and medical specialists