Toxicosis of Pregnant Women

What is toxicosis?

Toxicoses of pregnant women include a number of diseases that arise during pregnancy, complicate its course and, as a rule, cease after its end. Toxicosis is etiologically associated with pregnancy. After childbirth (or abortion), all manifestations of toxicosis usually completely disappear; long-term consequences are observed only after severe and long-term forms of these diseases.

Toxicosis is a violation of the body’s adaptation to pregnancy, a manifestation of a special perverted reaction of the woman’s body to pregnancy. Disruption of the physiological processes of the body’s adaptation to pregnancy (toxicosis) is facilitated by:

  1. Pathological processes that disrupt the function of the uterine receptor apparatus and contribute to the occurrence of abnormal impulses emanating from the fertilized egg.

  2. Changes in the central nervous system that contribute to improper processing of impulses from the fertilized egg.

  3. Changes in the functions of the nervous system, endocrine system, metabolism, enzyme systems, hormone metabolism and other factors.

Toxicosis. Classification of toxicosis in pregnant women:

  1. Early toxicosis that occurs in the first half of pregnancy.

  2. Late toxicosis, developing in the second half of pregnancy.

Early toxicosis is caused by a disruption in the relationship between the cerebral cortex, the autonomic nervous system and internal organs.

Late toxicosis is characterized by dysfunction of the central nervous system, vascular system, blood circulation, metabolism, which leads to autointoxication of the body.

Toxicosis of pregnancy is one of the most common problems that women experience during pregnancy. This symptom can manifest itself in the form of vomiting and general poor health, which can cause a bad mood and even depression in the expectant mother.

Toxicosis occurs when the hormonal background of the body changes, when the level of hormones increases several times. He has been known since the days