Pregnancy, The Language of Love

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life when she not only expects the birth of her baby, but also begins to establish first contacts with him. How to establish communication with a child when he is still in the womb? What methods will help create a favorable atmosphere for the development of the baby and strengthen the bond between mother and child?

The bond between mother and child begins long before birth. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the child begins to signal his needs, and the mother’s body reacts to these signals, transmitting her emotions and mood to the baby. This is why it is so important to take care of your psychological state during pregnancy.

One of the causes of toxicosis is signals from the baby about his discomfort. The baby may experience hunger, lack of oxygen, or simply dissatisfaction with the fact that mom is not sleeping enough. If the mother listens to her baby’s signals and tries to fulfill his request (to eat, go out into the fresh air, rest), then this can be the beginning of their contact. After all, the baby begins to understand that his mother will always understand and help him.

By the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby’s brain is already formed. He hears his mother's voice, feels her heart beating. After birth, a crying baby calms down if he is placed on the left breast, because he hears the familiar and soothing beat of the mother’s heart. Interestingly, psychotherapists sometimes relieve nervous tension in adults and children using special audio recordings made through a liquid medium. Patients perceive sound in the same way as in the mother's womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid.

From the 24th week, another type of contact arises - the baby clearly feels the vibration of the mother’s body, and she also clearly feels the baby’s movements. At this time, a full-fledged dialogue is possible, and dad is also allowed to take part in such sessions. The child hears and remembers his father’s voice and his touch perfectly. This can form the basis for a future bond between father and child.

Each baby is unique and has its own characteristics. He can distinguish between the voices and touches of loved ones and strangers even before birth. Some children are sensitive to their father's voice and touch, others - to their mother's. It is interesting that such sensitivity is shown not only by human cubs, but also by animals.

For example, in one experiment, hatched gull chicks were allowed to listen to the calls of adult birds - other people's pairs and their parents. The tiny chicks reacted differently to the calls of others and their parents, clearly emphasizing the latter. This suggests that the bond between parents and young is important for all living things.

It is important to remember that contact with the baby should be pleasant and comfortable for both. No hard blows to the stomach, no stress or negative emotions. It is best to communicate with your baby kindly and gently, talk to him, sing songs to him, put your hand on his stomach and caress him.

Of course, the bond between mother and child is not limited only to pregnancy. It continues after birth, when the baby begins to actively explore the world around him. But the first contacts that are established in the womb are very important for the future relationship between parents and child. Their strengthening and development depend on how carefully and caringly parents communicate with the baby even before his birth.