
Gastric tracheomyelolysis sclerosis is diagnosed using an x-ray of the esophagus and stomach. A biopsy (measuring a piece of tissue) is performed to determine the diagnosis of trabeculitis. The most common diagnostic method is FGS for suspected tumors of the esophageal walls. Confirmation of the diagnosis is a pathological diagnosis.

The exact causes of tracheomyelidosis are unknown. In case of abnormalities, such as chest deformation or high diaphragm, it is necessary to conduct a study without food 2-3 hours before the procedure. Drink 1-2 glasses of water in half an hour. If you have previously taken alcohol or medications, this should be indicated to your doctor.

Symptoms do not appear immediately. So far the disease has shown almost no symptoms. Everything proceeds in a sluggish form. The first and most obvious symptom is painful swallowing with trachemyelitis. Over time, the discomfort intensifies and turns into a feeling of constriction in the larynx, and sometimes difficulty breathing is felt. Such symptoms