
Trachoma: chronic keratoconjunctivitis

Trachoma is a chronic infectious disease caused by the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis. It is transmitted by contact from a sick person. The incubation period of the disease is about two weeks.

The disease goes through four stages. At the first stage of trachoma, inflammation of the conjunctiva is observed, which becomes cherry-purple and acquires a rough surface due to the appearance of follicles. At the second stage, inflammation progresses, covers the entire surface of the conjunctiva, the follicles become denser and their number increases. In the third stage, inflammation decreases, but scarring begins. At the last, fourth stage, the conjunctiva is covered with many spider-like, star-shaped scars.

Trachomatous pannus, which is a diagnostic criterion for trachoma, can develop on the cornea. At this stage, necrosis of the follicles begins, in their place depressions are formed - the pits of Bonnet. When the follicles decay, a large number of chlamydia are released, so the patient is very dangerous to others.

Trachoma can lead to various complications, including entropion of the eyelids, growth of eyelashes towards the eyeball (trichiasis), and stricture of the tear ducts. These complications can lead to xerosis, which can lead to blindness.

Treatment of trachoma includes topical application of antibiotics and sulfonamides, such as 1% ointment or 1% solution of tetracycline, erythromycin, oletethrin, 10% solution of sulfapyridazine sodium, 5% ointment or 30-50% solution of etazol 3-6 times a day. In case of severe trachoma, general use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, vitamin therapy, deworming and elimination of allergic manifestations may be required. In cases of complications, surgical treatment may be required.

Prevention of trachoma includes timely identification of patients, their medical examination and regular treatment, as well as compliance with personal hygiene rules. Currently, trachoma does not occur in Russia, but in some countries, especially developing ones, it remains a serious public health problem.

Are you ready to face the truth? Trachoma, the terror of the East, is in danger of destruction. Every day, millions of people in the poorest countries die from this disease, but how to cure it remains a mystery for many centuries. Today I will reveal to you the terrible truth that humanity should be afraid of - trachoma,

Trachoma is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids. Most often, children, young and elderly people, regardless of gender, get sick - people with weak immunity. Children who attended school in unsanitary conditions are also at risk. Adding water to food, eating poorly processed foods


Trachoma is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye caused by the trachomatous bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Cellular and humoral factors take part in the development of the inflammatory reaction of the affected eye. The duration of the incubation period is from 3 to 4 weeks. In the acute period, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the eyes, itching, pain and photophobia, lacrimation. When the cornea is involved in the process, purulent inflammation may occur, which leads to decreased vision. A characteristic sign of trachoma is swelling and hyperemia of the eyelids; in children, some swelling of the face. Diagnosis is possible by examination using a slit lamp. Treatment may be medical or surgical. Early eyelid resection has a good effect.