
Trichatropia (Trichatophy) is a skin disease that is characterized by hypertrophy and abnormal hair growth in various parts of the body. Trichatrophic hair has an unnatural length, thickness, shape and color, and can also be painful. The disease can occur as a result of genetic factors or external factors such as injury, chemicals, radiation, etc.

The pathogenesis of Trichatrophy is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by disruption of the process of mitosis and improper distribution of genetic material during the formation of hair cells. This leads to an increase in the number of hair follicles and hair hypertrophy.

Clinically, Trichatrophagia manifests itself in men and women at different ages. As a rule, one patient has areas with trichatarphy hair of various types, lengths and thicknesses. Hair can appear on the face, body and even in mucous membranes, leading to various cosmetic problems. For example, trichomachia on the face can lead to dysphonia, enuresis or ketopathy.

Currently, there are many ways to treat Trichatophia, including drug therapy, the use of cosmetics, radiation and other methods. The choice of methods depends on many factors, including the extent of the lesion, the age of the patient and individual characteristics.

One of the most common treatments is the use of hormonal medications, which reduce the activity of hair follicles and slow down the growth of new hair. Side effects such as hypersensitivity and allergic reactions may occur when using hormonal creams.

Another method of treating trichotophyia is the use of laser technology, which allows you to remove hypertrophic hair without damaging the surrounding tissue. Laser removal does not cause bleeding or pain, but requires several procedures.

Many patients choose cosmetic methods to treat Trichatopphys, using various types of cosmetics. They contain substances that suppress the function of hair follicles, slow down hair growth and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Cosmetic treatment products can also cause harm to the skin, so it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction before using them. It is also worth remembering that treatment for Trichatopphaya must be comprehensive and last for a long time. But in any case, the choice of treatment method depends on the patient and his individual tolerance.