Trichonocardiosis Axillary

Trichonomacardiocircadiaritis axillare (Trichonomacardiocircadiaritis axillare) is a rare chronic disease of the lymphatic system. In conditions of abundant damage to the lymph nodes, they may harden and develop a carcinoid type of periosteal or encapsulated node (“axillary carcinoma”). In addition to carcinomas, the development of stromal lymphangiosis (replacement of tumor cells with non-tumor cells) may occur.

There are two types of TNL - tuberculous and bacterial, depending on the cause. The epidemiology of TNL is unknown. There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. The basis for diagnosis is the presence of painless enlarged superficial lymph nodes located in the armpits, which are not fused with the surrounding tissues. When the disease occurs, lymphadenosis specific to lymphogranulomatosis is observed.

Predisposing factors for TNL are:

- microtraumas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue,

- stressful situations (heart attacks, pre-infarction conditions), fatigue, hypokinesia, nutritional defects (sharp caloric restriction, insufficient amount of protein in food).

Diagnosis of this disease is difficult. A consultation with a surgeon is necessary, and then a more detailed examination, since without it, even an experienced specialist may miss the disease. Laboratory tests give ambiguous results, but help make a diagnosis of “bacterial lymphadenitis” (a septic process of a purulent nature). Treatment of TNL is used when other methods have already been tried and a positive result has not been achieved. The choice of surgical method depends on many factors - the form of the disease, the age of the patient, the severity of his condition, the presence of other diseases, etc.

Thus, in severe forms of the disease and there is no effect from conservative treatment, the best option is surgery. If treatment fails, the surgeon recommends surgery to avoid the spread of infection. If not