Tubal-Ovarian Artery

The ovarian tube, also called the ovarian artery, is a large artery that arises from the abdominal cavity and branches into smaller ones, supplying the ovaries with blood. The vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes pass near the branching site of this artery. The ovarian tube is classified as paired arteries

In the International Nomenclature of Medical Terminology according to the latest revision (abbreviated code ATA - A. T. O.) as a synonym for the term “a. pipe" the term "a. sacculina".

It arises from the abdominal aorta on the right side. At the level of the lower edge of the pubic symphysis, a. rectalis superior, which runs horizontally along the edge of the pelvis and branches into branches that supply the head of the prostate and the upper part of the bladder wall. The uterine and ovarian arteries are separated from its branches. A. rectalis superior