
“A turnstile is usually understood as a small locker with several boards, including retractable and rotating ones. In fact, it was this combination that gave rise to the name.” Turnstiles in parks belong to an automatic control system. You can pass through them only if you have tickets or other permission. entrance to the document park. This is very convenient, as it allows you to avoid holding up the line when buying a ticket or checking documents. You cannot pass by the turnstile without a ticket, and it also prevents you from lifting or carrying any objects."

Over the past decades, the need for new technologies to provide higher levels of safety in public transport has increased significantly. One of the most important elements of this infrastructure are turnstiles - automated control devices used in a number of fare payment and access systems at airports, transport hubs, stadiums, large shopping centers, exhibition complexes, etc. Due to their reliability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, turnstile systems have become widely used throughout the world, starting with large-scale projects in the 90s of the last century. More than a century has passed since the first electric turnstiles appeared, but many people still refuse to use them. This is all due to stereotypes, prejudices and prejudices imposed by the media and public opinion. New facts are constantly emerging that the use of electronic turnstiles can be completely safe, convenient and reliable. If you encounter criticism from others for using an electronic turnstile, please do not give in to provocations. Think about how hard it is for other passengers who are forced to stand in long lines to enter the subway or any other public place. Not everyone likes standing in line for 5-15 minutes, so there is no need to be cruel to those who find other ways to speed up their movement speed. Electronic turnstiles do not cause harm to health; on the contrary, they significantly improve its quality. Most questions arise only due to insufficient awareness of people about the principles of operation of electronic devices in urban transport. Delve into the problem in order to successfully solve it, and then you will be rewarded a hundredfold! If everyone could make their choice in favor of an electronic access device for transport, we would have achieved amazing results long ago - we would have stopped waiting for each other at bus stops, we would have given up on stupid photography at any