Solid tumor in the kidney

Sometimes it is primary, but most often it occurs after a hot tumor. Its cause is the abundance of matter flowing to the hot tumor, or the petrification of the hot tumor due to the cold that caused petrification or the heat that thickened the tumor. Both of these are the reason why the tumor does not mature, because maturation is a consequence of moderate heat.

Signs. A solid tumor in the kidneys is indicated by significant severity, in which there is no severe pain, unless it was formed from a hot tumor - in which case the pain sometimes rises. One of the signs of a solid tumor is thinning of the lower back and numbness, as well as numbness in the hips; sometimes a hard tumor causes numbness in the legs and weakens them. In all these lower organs, emaciation and exhaustion occur, and the urine is thin and meager in quantity, since the kidneys do not attract the watery part of the blood well due to weakness and weakly expel it. The urine is then immature, light, which is caused by blockage, for it does not allow the cloudy part of the urine to pass through and a large amount of light urine; sometimes the blockage even completely retains urine. And the weakness of the kidneys will not allow the natural strength to carry out maturation. A solid tumor sometimes causes puffiness and often leads to dropsy due to the blockage of the aqueous portion of the blood and its return back to the body. Therefore, with such a disease, you should constantly remove urine.

Treatment. The basic rules for treating hardening in the liver and prescribing medicines are discussed, and the same is the way to treat hardening in the kidneys. If bloodletting is necessary due to the abundance of black bile blood, then it is done; sometimes it helps to drink seeds that have the ability to soften and dissolve, such as horehound seed, flaxseed, marshmallow seed, fenugreek, safflower; Powders are prepared from them or mixed with diuretic drugs, depending on the need. When expelling urine, you should not exceed the limit so that the thick part of it does not remain in the kidneys and become fossilized; on the contrary, the doctor watches what the patient’s urine is like, and whenever it begins to thicken, he expels it to a moderate extent, and when the urine becomes liquid, he tries to promote ripening; one of the signs of its maturity is that the urine becomes abundant and thick. Rubbing and poultices help with this, for example, with bush oil, spikenard oil, jasmine, chamomile, dill or laurel oil, and for medicinal dressings - dressings made from chamomile, sweet clover or flaxseed. Sometimes it is necessary to resort, for example, to bdellium, ushshak, sagapen, bear and lion fat, bone marrow of cows and deer, and other substances; They are used to make plasters and medicinal dressings and use them. It is often necessary to add diuretics to the decoction, for example, bdellium or uishak, as well as chamomile, tribulus, melilot officinalis or polypodium and give this to the patient.