Remove wrinkles around mouth injections

Which wrinkles age a woman's face the most? At first glance, the question is incorrect, because any fold on the skin, whether it appears on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes or in any other area, does not add youth to the image. However, for many women it is deep wrinkles around the mouth become “beacons” indicating approaching decline.

Lips are the most sensual part of the face, to which the attention of a partner is riveted during intimacy, an interlocutor during a conversation, or a friend during a meal together. If you purse your lips and stretch them forward, you can easily see what your mouth will look like in old age, and, possibly, even in adulthood, if timely measures are not taken and care is not taken of the skin of the lips and the areas directly adjacent to them.

Purse-string wrinkles, which is what numerous small “rays” are called, diverging in different directions from the line of the upper lip, are facial wrinkles. In youth, they appear only when a person tenses the muscles of the mouth, and disappear after they relax, but in mature years, folds remain on the skin, which can only be removed cosmetologist If wrinkles in the corners of the lips are added to purse-string wrinkles (and most often this happens!), then a tired and sad expression “freezes” on the face, depriving a person of attractiveness.


Causes of oral wrinkles

Constant activity of the orbicularis oris muscle is the main cause of the formation of facial wrinkles. A person speaks, eats and expresses emotions, often without thinking that every contraction of a muscle that does not have a rigid connection with the jaw bones leaves an imprint on the skin. In addition, there are few fatty glands in the area around the lips, and the layer of fatty tissue underneath is very thin, so the skin in the oral area is usually dry and thin. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the lips are practically defenseless against external influences (UV rays, dust, exhaust gases), and in addition, the skin in this area is sensitive to a natural decrease in fibroblast activity and a deficiency of collagen fibers.


Expression wrinkles around the mouth appear:

  1. after sudden weight loss;
  2. in singers and musicians playing wind instruments, who, due to the nature of their profession, are forced to constantly strain the orbicularis oris muscle;
  3. in people with peculiarities in the structure of the skull and malocclusion;
  4. in smokers: this bad habit, on the one hand, provokes tension in the orbicularis oris muscle, and on the other, leads to a decrease in skin turgor due to the negative impact of nicotine on structural proteins;
  5. for dental problems (gum disease, caries);
  6. with hormonal imbalance;
  7. due to lack of sleep and psycho-emotional overload;
  8. due to the refusal of cosmetic preparations intended specifically for lips.

Wrinkles around the mouth: video

Types of lip wrinkles

Purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip they look like radially diverging, mostly short folds of small depth; the same wrinkles (they are also called pleated wrinkles) are also characteristic of the lower lip. The appearance of purse-string wrinkles is caused by the habit of pursing and folding the lips into a tube, especially with a small thickness of subcutaneous fatty tissue and age-related changes that have already affected the skin in the oral area. Wrinkles around the lips are typical for smokers and people with active articulation.

Marionette lines (puppet lines) They begin as wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and then move down to the chin. The creases formed in this way highlight the chin area, giving the person a resemblance to a marionette doll. Marionette lines are static wrinkles formed due to gravitational ptosis and decreased elasticity of the skin and muscles that support the corners of the mouth.

Nasolabial folds connect the corners of the mouth and the outer ends of the nostrils. This type of wrinkles around the lips largely depends on the structure of the face and in some people it appears already in adolescence. With age, the “nasolabial lips” acquire depth and relief not only due to articulation and facial expressions, but also due to the gravitational descent of soft tissues. This type of wrinkle is figuratively called “folds of grief.”


Wrinkles around the lips: how to get rid of the defect

You can remove expression lines around the mouth by tightening the skin affected by ptosis or adding volume to areas with thinned fat layers. Although in some cases it is possible to radically solve the problem only by combining both approaches. To tighten the skin, plastic surgery is used (in situations where wrinkles are deep and numerous) and hardware procedures that activate the processes of tissue regeneration (renewal) and stimulate cells to produce protein fibers and hyaluronic acid.

When wondering how to remove wrinkles around the lips, pay attention to the following procedures:

Contour plastic using fillers. The so-called “beauty injections” do an excellent job with small and medium-sized wrinkles above the upper lip - they are smoothed out by filling them with compounds containing hyaluronic acid. Injections are made in a targeted manner - only the “bed” of the wrinkle is filled with the drug, but the adjacent tissues also benefit, to which firmness and elasticity are restored. In order to rejuvenate and improve skin texture, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are used, and the compositions are administered not only by injection, but also using special applicators (mesoscooters).


Bioreinforcement. Patients who have undergone bioreinforcement - strengthening the skin in the oral area with Juvederm Ultra and Surgiderm fillers (18.24) containing high-density hyaluronic acid, as well as Sculptra preparations (based on polylactic acid) and Radiesse (based on calcium hydroxylapatite). It is possible to tighten the skin and straighten wrinkles above the upper, lower lip and in the corners of the mouth by creating a fibrous framework that helps the skin resist gravitational ptosis. Let's talk separately about plasmolifting (injections of blood plasma previously taken from the patient and enriched with platelets) - a procedure that strengthens and rejuvenates the skin, and therefore is often used to eliminate wrinkles of all types.


Lipolifting. A cosmetologist, giving advice on how to remove wrinkles around the mouth, may suggest performing lipolifting, that is, “planting” the patient’s own fat (usually it is taken from the abdomen or thighs) into places where wrinkles accumulate. Experts give credit to this method, considering it relatively painless and safe, but warn that up to 50% of the fat suspension will be quickly absorbed and excreted from the body, so the wrinkles will appear again.

Skin care cosmetics. Wrinkles in the oral area, especially marionettes and nasolabial folds, are often simply impossible to get rid of with the help of cosmetic preparations, however, masks with a rich composition against wrinkles around the mouth will help smooth out the skin texture, and therefore their use in most cases is not only justified, but also recommended specialists. An example is Thai collagen mask with red wine – the effectiveness of this mask against wrinkles around the lips is due to the content of phytocollagen, which fills wrinkles and makes lips elastic and dense.

Attention! Find out about all the techniques in the article “How to remove expression wrinkles.” Although you shouldn’t rely on your own taste when choosing a correction method and it’s better to trust a cosmetologist. You should know that such a popular method of removing wrinkles around the lips as Botox injections is rarely used to smooth out wrinkles above the upper lip (purse-string wrinkles) and is practically not used to eliminate nasolabial folds and marionette wrinkles.

How to reduce wrinkles around the lips: prevention

The formation of wrinkles in the oral area cannot be prevented - sooner or later they will appear, but it is possible to minimize them by adhering to the following rules:

  1. do not smoke or indulge in chewing gum;
  2. do not reinforce emotions with characteristic lip movements (control facial expressions - do not purse, curl or stretch your lips).
  3. use high-quality cosmetics containing oils, retinoids, peptides, collagen, coenzymes and hyaluronic acid.

Attention! There will be fewer wrinkles on the lips and oral area if you protect the skin of the lips from ultraviolet rays by using balms and lipsticks containing UV filters. Facial expressions are harmful to the lips, but special exercises (can be found on the Internet) and self-massage are beneficial, especially if they are performed regularly and correctly.

How much does it cost to remove wrinkles around the mouth? Price of popular procedures


Price from

Contour plastic surgery using fillers (Princess Volume)

The appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and lips is caused by age-related changes in which the skin becomes less elastic. To cope with the problem and stop the withering process, it is recommended to use several approaches to rejuvenation at once. Currently, there are many methods that give good results not only in the salon, but also at home.

Why do wrinkles appear around the mouth and their types?

Wrinkles around the mouth and lips appear when the skin loses its former elasticity over the years. In this case, there is a significant decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid in the cells, and the production of elastin and collagen ceases. The skin becomes more susceptible to stretching. That is why emotional people, who are accustomed to active facial expressions, face the problem earlier than others.

The main types of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, depending on the cause:

  1. Mimic - occur with the active manifestation of emotions, the corners of the mouth are involved first.
  2. Age-related - appear as the body ages. In men, this process is less pronounced.

Depending on the location, the following types of wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. In the corners of the mouth - they represent races that go down to the chin.
  2. Above the upper lip there are, as a rule, small multiple vertical grooves.
  3. Nasolabial - start from the nose and smoothly move to the lips. These types of wrinkles appear earlier than all others, since this area is especially susceptible to stretching when smiling.

Additional classification depends on the advanced state of the aging process. In this case, wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. small - barely perceptible to the eye and appear when smiling or sad;
  2. medium - visible to the naked eye, but affects small areas;
  3. deep - clearly expressed and represent rather massive grooves.


As the body ages, the skin loses a large amount of moisture, the muscles become less elastic and strong. This leads to drooping of the epidermis and the appearance of wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth and lips

To get rid of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, you should approach the task in a comprehensive manner. Home remedies such as creams and exercises can be used to correct minor changes. To get rid of medium wrinkles, in addition to home remedies, you can turn to the services of a salon. In this case, fillers, for example, based on hyaluronic acid, give good results.

To eliminate deep wrinkles, it is better to use radical measures such as a circular facelift. Which method will be optimal depends on the degree of age-related changes and health status. After all, surgical intervention is not always indicated.

At home, nourishing masks, massage, gymnastics and creams are the best help. However, you need to understand that if you have deep wrinkles, it is impossible to achieve quick results. Masks must be done at least 2 times a week. At the same time, in order for the nutritional compositions to penetrate deeper, it is good to pre-warm the skin with a massage.

Facial exercises (face building) also give good results if done daily. The procedure should be completed with a contrast wash and application of a nourishing cream.

Exercises to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth and lips

There is an effective complex that Carol Maggio developed specifically to combat expression and age wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Basic exercises:

  1. Place your palms on both sides of your cheeks. Your fingers should touch the corners of your mouth. Then you need to tighten your lips, stretching them slightly. Hold for a few seconds and relax your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Place your index and middle fingers at the corners of your mouth. Try to lift your upper lip upward, overcoming resistance. Only 20 times.
  3. The starting position is the same. Only this time you need to pull your lips forward like a tube, and lightly press with your fingers on the corners of your mouth, interfering with this process. Only 15–20 times.


A very useful exercise for different types of wrinkles is to stretch your lips forward like a tube and from this position try to close and open your mouth. At the same time, you can feel how the muscles work. This exercise can be added to the complex or performed separately.

Applying anti-wrinkle creams around the mouth and lips

Using creams in combination with other procedures gives good results. To combat different types of wrinkles, the following compositions are used:

  1. Nourishing creams with plant extracts. Such compositions are suitable for shallow wrinkles. They usually have an environmentally friendly composition, a minimum of fragrances and preservatives. These creams deeply moisturize the skin and stimulate metabolic processes in cells.
  2. Moisturizing compositions with a lifting effect. They help nourish the skin, have a tightening effect and are used in the presence of medium-depth wrinkles. The composition often includes collagen and elastin stimulants, but when applied superficially to the skin they do not produce a pronounced result.
  3. Creams with hyaluronic acid. Used in the presence of deep wrinkles. Of course, such compositions cannot eliminate age-related changes, but they prevent further loss of moisture from cells.

After 30 years, every woman should use age-appropriate creams, since it is during this period that the first fine wrinkles appear in the area around the mouth and lips. It is advisable to use formulations with a filter that will prevent harmful UV radiation from penetrating the skin.

Creams should be used only after preliminary cleansing of the skin 2 times a day with massage movements.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth - video

Massage and masks for the area around the mouth

Massage gives excellent results if carried out with moisturizing creams or cosmetic oils. It is better to do this before going to bed, once a week for 3 months is enough. Then you should take a break for 10 days. When performing massage movements, you need to follow special lines. It is recommended to use stroking, pinching and patting.


Masks with a lifting effect will give excellent results if you use them 2 times a week. In this case, it is not necessary to use purchased products; you can prepare the compositions yourself. The most effective recipes:

  1. Toning mask. It will take 1 tsp. orange juice and the same amount of jojoba cosmetic oil. Next, you should mix both ingredients and apply to the problem area with patting movements. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat every week.
  2. Lifting composition. You will need lemon and lavender essential oil, 1 drop each. Such components must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream. Then apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. Repeat 2 times a week.
  3. Moisturizing mask. It will take 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. wheat germ. Both ingredients must be mixed and applied to the problem area. Leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat every week.

The results of using masks will be better if you first cleanse the skin with a scrub. This way the nutrients will better penetrate the problem area.

Ingredients for masks - gallery

Injection methods are often used to smooth out wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Several injections are made in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and in the corners of the mouth, then carefully distribute the composition with your fingers so that it does not concentrate in one area. For this purpose, fillers are used, which come in different types:

  1. Based on hyaluronic acid. Such drugs usually dissolve within 6 months. This group of fillers often includes vitamins that improve skin condition and smooth out wrinkles. By saturating the cells with moisture and nutrients, the production of its own hyaluronic acid is stimulated.
  2. Based on collagen. Such fillers also dissolve within 6 months. They stimulate the production of your own collagen and fill the space under the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.
  3. Slowly dissolving fillers. They are produced on the basis of calcium hydroxyapatite and polycaprolactone. Such drugs dissolve within 2 years. During this time, a pronounced lifting effect is ensured.
  4. Silicone-based preparations. They do not react with tissues and do not dissolve. Such injections give results that will last for a long time. Compared to absorbable analogues, it is the least beneficial for the body.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are considered the most effective and safe today. However, if the substance is not distributed correctly, small bumps may appear under the skin.


Surgical skin tightening is the most effective method for getting rid of deep wrinkles around the mouth and lips. However, this method also has its drawbacks. After the operation, rehabilitation is necessary. If tightened incorrectly, distortion may occur and the face will look unnatural.

During the operation, the doctor must accurately calculate the tension force so that later annoying consequences do not occur that will require additional intervention. At the very beginning, a small incision is made in the area behind the ears. Then the doctor tightens the skin so that the wrinkles are smoothed out. Excess epidermis is excised and sutures are applied, which are removed after a few days.

The operation is performed only under general anesthesia and in the absence of contraindications, such as heart and vascular diseases, central nervous system lesions and oncological pathologies.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient must walk in a special bandage that will secure the stitches. The result can be seen immediately after the operation.


Lifting the area around the mouth and lips is done gradually with regular adherence to all recommendations. If you are patient, you may notice that after a few months the wrinkles become less pronounced. You should constantly moisturize your skin with nourishing ingredients and do not forget about salon treatments.


Lips and mouth are the most seductive features of a woman’s face. It's a shame, but this is where wrinkles appear in the first place! Why is that? And how can you smooth out the skin around your mouth to remain attractive? Let's look at these questions!

At a young age, the epidermis contains collagen, which maintains elasticity, in addition, it contains a lot of hyaluronic acid and collagen, but with age they disappear, the skin becomes thinner, and wrinkles begin to appear.

Peeling for wrinkles around the mouth

The vulnerability of this part of the face is explained by the peculiarity of its structure, since there are very few sebaceous glands here, and they constantly dry out. Plus, there is a small amount of fatty tissue and muscles woven directly into the dermis. Constantly contracting, they tighten the skin and creases appear.

If they appear, and the skin becomes thinner, the lips become thin and the corners droop, then today there are no magic creams that can solve these problems. A small exception can be made for Retin A ointment and its analogues (the composition includes the already mentioned tretinoin).

The effect can be obtained only at the initial signs of aging; according to our classification, this is the first stage. However, for a tangible effect, more drastic techniques will be required:

- mechanical or laser dermabrasion,

- medium or deep peeling,

The techniques are used both individually and in combination with each other, depending on the severity of the problem.


How to remove wrinkles around the mouth using mechanical and laser dermabrasion

This method can be compared to the action of a milling cutter or sanding; it is effective.

However, at present, both one and the other procedures are used less and less. Although the effectiveness of especially mechanical dermabrasion is very high - up to complete smoothing.

The result mainly depends on the severity of wrinkles, with the maximum effect possible in the first, second, and third degrees of aging. But the risk of complications associated with a difficult rehabilitation period is very high.

And as you know, methods that carry a certain risk, even despite their effectiveness, are gradually losing relevance in cosmetology.

It should be noted that both laser and mechanical dermabrasion can only remove wrinkles around the mouth, but do not solve the problems associated with the loss of natural volume of the lips and drooping of their corners. In this case, you have to resort to injections or surgery.


Laser and radio wave peeling for fine wrinkles

Laser peeling, when it comes to CO2 laser systems, is quite effective, although it is somewhat inferior to mechanical dermabrasion.

However, a very long rehabilitation period (about 2-3 weeks) is accompanied by the appearance of crusts and cracks, which is very difficult to prevent, since the muscles here are in constant motion.

In terms of the final result, radio wave peeling is very similar to CO2 peeling, but its rehabilitation period is slightly shorter - 6-10 days. The crust that forms after radio wave peeling is much more elastic than after a 0O2 laser. Therefore, recovery is somewhat easier.

Medium or deep peeling

They are good for the first or second stages of age-related degeneration. Among deep peels, phenol is of particular interest, as it can restore even the deep layers of the dermis.

Peeling, of course, is used as an independent means of rejuvenation, but more often it is used in complex facial rejuvenation, since all deep peels are characterized by a demarcation zone - that is, it is obvious where the peeling was done and where it was not.


Laser treatments for wrinkles around the mouth

Fractional photothermolysis has proven to be the safest laser technology that can be used in this area.

Its peculiarity is that during fractional exposure the epidermis, that is, the upper layer of the dermis, is not damaged at all. The main action takes place in the dermis.

By the way, this is where wrinkles originate. Moreover, in one session Fraxel does not treat all the skin, but only 20%.

Speaking in non-medical language, the laser beam acts as if in stripes - removing a few microns, and leaving a few untouched.

Therefore, the procedure is not so traumatic, and healing proceeds better, and therefore, the risk of complications in the form of cracks and scars is practically reduced to zero.

And most importantly, after such polishing a person is not forced to hide at home - outwardly the face looks absolutely normal, although powerful rejuvenation processes are taking place inside. Fractional photothermolysis procedures require 2 to 5, with an interval of three to four weeks.

Botox injections will help remove wrinkles around the mouth

Since one of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, in addition to thinning of the skin, is the mobility of this area, the use of botulinum toxin is indicated in many cases.


As a rule, the “mesobotox” technique is used, which involves the use of microdoses of the drug, since it is only necessary to slightly correct the hypertonicity of the orbicularis muscle. This is done only if there is a clear dissonance in muscle tone.

This often happens after incorrect prosthetics or wearing braces, when compensatory jaw tension is transferred to the lips.

After suffering stress, due to common muscle blocks, the lips seem to compress themselves, a negative emotional reaction is recorded and gives the feeling of a compressed, tense mouth, which subsequently leads to the formation of wrinkles.

It is in these cases that the use of microdoses of Botox is indicated. This manipulation requires experience, creativity and skill. The result is the disappearance of epidermal lesions and an improvement in the shape of the lips.

If a specialist catches the nuances of facial expressions and correctly adjusts the tone, the effect will be excellent. As for the frequency of Botox use, there are no clear rules.

If the formation of wrinkles and disruption of harmonious tone were caused by dental interventions, then this procedure may have to be resorted to at intervals of 6-8 months.

And if the prevailing stress factor in the appearance of increased tone and, as a result, wrinkles is a stress factor, then there is a possibility that after several applications of Botox the need for use will disappear on its own, as the muscles will get used to the new “correct” tone for them.

Fillers for wrinkles around the mouth


They can be corrected using many effective methods known today.

One of the methods involves injecting hyaluronic acid, which will very quickly fill in unevenness, smooth out wrinkles, and the skin will almost instantly become smooth and even. The effect will last from four months to one year.

The word filler comes from the English filler - filler. The term itself suggests that a filler is introduced, that is, a substance that gives some volume.

The drug is injected with a thin needle and, thanks to innovative techniques, can lift the corners of the mouth, smooth out the contour of the lips and remove wrinkles.

For injections today, mainly preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin are used.

It is biologically compatible with body tissues, non-immunogenic, non-toxic, so the risk of allergic reactions and infection is excluded.

In addition to preparations based on hyaluronic acid, other fillers such as collagen are also used.

Injecting fillers to remove wrinkles around the mouth is the most popular and effective technique.

This is exactly the method when conventional cosmetic preparations no longer have an effect, and plastic surgery is either ineffective in this case (because a scalpel cannot restore natural volume) or seems too radical a remedy.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth: exercises at home


But if you do not have the funds to buy expensive creams, we recommend regularly performing a set of exercises that will help get rid of wrinkles around the mouth.

  1. Stretch out your lips with a tube (15 rubles).
  2. Puff out your cheeks as much as possible (15 rubles).
  3. Opening your mouth, make your lips rounded, pronouncing the sound “o” (15 rubles).
  4. Perform subsequent exercises 10-13 times.
  5. Move your lower jaw forward, squeeze your lips tightly so that the muscles tense up to your ears. Then relax your lips and return your jaw to its original position.
  6. With your cheeks puffed out, move the air from one cheek to the other.
  7. Inhale well through your nose and exhale through your mouth, while relaxing your lips.
  8. Inhaling through the nasal passage, exhale through the mouth, lips should be in the shape of a tube.
  9. Clenching your teeth, inhale air through your mouth, pulling the corners to the sides. Exhale through your teeth, stretching your lips into a tube.
  10. Inhale through your mouth, through tightly clenched teeth, exhale first through the right corner, then through the left.
  11. Clench your teeth forcefully, inhale through your nasal passage, and exhale through your mouth, while puffing out your cheeks.
  12. With your cheeks drawn in, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

After performing gymnastics, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth: gymnastics