Acne Bromide

Acne (or acne) is a widespread disease of the sebaceous glands and manifests itself in the form of numerous cysts that form on the face, neck, chest and back, sometimes in the groin area. Acne is often accompanied by tenderness, redness and swelling of the skin. Every year, about 80% of people suffer from acne, but this disease tends to temporarily subside and recur during puberty, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives and other hormonal changes in the body.

Acne is caused by a complex of factors - hormonal imbalances, genetic factors, changes in the immune system, microbiota and the environment. The disease is caused by the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. They also synthesize sebum - an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is the main cause of acne development. The formation of excess sebum, which cannot come out, leads to the formation of inflammatory elements - comedones - sebaceous ducts clogged with comedones. If bacteria penetrate the sebaceous ducts, an inflammatory element develops - acne. In addition to those listed above, it should also be noted that recently the number of patients with resistant forms of acne has increased. This is due to the active spread of demodicosis - the chronic subcutaneous mite Demodex folliculorum, which also contributes to the occurrence of acne.