Ear Inner

The inner ear is a paired organ that is located in the pyramids of the temporal bones and performs an important function in the human body. It consists of three main parts: the cochlea, the semicircular canals and the auditory ossicles.

The cochlea is a spiral tube on the walls of which there are hair cells responsible for the perception of sound. The semicircular canals are located in the pyramids and are responsible for the balance and orientation of the body in space. The auditory ossicles perform the function of transmitting sound vibrations from the outer ear to the cochlea.

The inner ear also contains glands that produce sulfuric acid to protect the organ from germs and other harmful substances. Wax, which is formed during the production of acid, is removed from the inner ear through the outer ear.

Functions of the inner ear: * Perception of sound * Regulation of body balance and coordination of movements * Production of sulfuric acid and its removal from the organ

Inner ear diseases can be caused by various reasons, such as injury